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Capterra-woordenlijst: Definities bekijken
We proberen jargon zoveel mogelijk te vermijden, maar soms zul je toch een zakelijke of softwaregerelateerde term tegenkomen die je niet kent. Raadpleeg deze woordenlijst als je niet zeker weet wat iets betekent.
- 1xRTT (CDMA2000 1x)
- 2.5G
- 2G (Tweede generatie)
- 3,5G
- 360-graden feedback
- 3D PV-apparaten (Photovoltaic)
- 3G (Derde generatie)
- 3GPP (Third-generation Partnership Project)
- 4G-standaard
- 4K X 2K TV-schermen
- 5G
- 5S
- 9-Box-model
- Aangesloten beeldapparatuur
- Aangesloten huis
- Aanwezigheid
- ABC (Activity-based Costing)
- Abonnee
- ABPD (Automated Business Process Discovery)
- Account-based marketing
- Accountplanning
- ACR (Automatic Content Recognition)
- ACRIS (Advanced Clinical Research Information Systems)
- Activiteitenstroom
- AD (Application Development)
- Ad tech
- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
- Addressable TV Advertising
- ADF (Automated Document Factory)
- ADM (Application Data Management)
- ADMS (Advanced Distribution Management Systems)
- Adviesservices voor risicobeheer en naleving
- Advocacy marketing
- AE (Account Executive)
- Affective computing
- Afzonderlijke fabricage
- AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
- AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations)
- AIOps-platform (Artificial Intelligence Operations)
- AM (Additive Manufacturing)
- AM (Application Management)
- AMG (Access Media Gateway)
- AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
- AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association)
- AMO (Application Management Outsourcing)
- AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service)
- AMR (Adaptive Multirate)
- Analyse
- Analyse en bedrijfsinformatie
- Analyse van mensen
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- Antecedentenonderzoek
- APA (Applications Portfolio Analysis)
- aPaaS (Application Platform as a Service)
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- APM (Application Performance Monitoring)
- APM (Asset Performance Management)
- Apparaten
- Applicatieprogramma
- AR (Augmented Reality)
- ARA (Application Release Automation)
- Arbeidsbeheersysteem
- Architectuur
- ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
- ASA (Average Speed of Answer)
- ASCII (American Standard Code For Information Interchange)
- Aselecte steekproeftrekking
- ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)
- ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice)
- ASN (Autonomous System Number)
- ASO (Automated System Operations)
- ASP (Application Service Provider)
- ASP (Average Selling Price)
- ASSP (Application-Specific Standard Product)
- ATD-apparaten (Advanced Threat Detection)
- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- ATO (Assemble To Order)
- Audiomining en spraakanalyse
- Augmented Analytics
- Augmented Intelligence
- Authenticatiedienst
- Automatisch gelaagde opslag (Auto-Tiering)
- Autonome voertuigen
- Autorisatie
- Avatar
- B2B prijsoptimalisatie en -beheer
- B2B-gatewaysoftware
- B2B-verkoop (Business to Business)
- Backbone-router
- Backend
- BAM (Business Activity Monitoring)
- Bandbreedte
- Bank Tiers
- BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)
- Basis zendontvangstation
- Basisstation
- Batchverwerking
- Baud
- BCI (Brain-computer interface)
- BCM (Business Continuity Manager)
- BCMP (Business Continuity Management Planning)
- BCP (Bedrijfscontinuïteitsplanning)
- BDR (Business Development Representative)
- Bedrijfsanalyse
- Bedrijfscommunicatie
- Bedrijfsproces
- Bedrijfstoepassingen
- Beeldschermen met dubbele weergave
- Beheer van digitale bedrijfsmiddelen
- Beheer van financiële gegevens
- Beheer van indirecte uitgaven
- Beheer van multichannel campagnes
- Beheersystemen voor levensverzekeringen
- Beller-ID
- Benchmarken
- Berichtfeedback
- Beschikbaarheid
- Beslissingsintelligentie
- Besluitvormer
- Best practice
- Best-of-breed
- Bestandsserver
- Beste in zijn klasse
- Besturingssysteem
- Betaalde media
- Beveiligingsindeling, -automatisering en -respons
- BI (Business Intelligence)-platforms
- BIA (Bedrijfsimpactanalyse)
- Bibliotheek
- BICC (Business Intelligence Competency Center)
- Big data
- Billijkheidstheorie
- Bimodaal
- Binair getal (bit)
- Biochips
- Biometrische ATM’s
- Biometrische authenticatie
- BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
- BLER (Block Error Rate)
- BLOB (Binary Large Object)
- Blockchain
- Blogplatforms
- Blu-ray
- Bluetooth
- BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer)
- BPA (Business Process Automation)
- BPaaS (Business Process As A Service)
- BPM (Bedrijfsprocesbeheer)
- BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)
- BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)
- BPR (Business Process Re-engineering)
- Branche
- Brandstofcel
- BRE (Business Rule Engines)
- Broadcaststorm
- Browser
- BSC (Balanced Scorecard)
- BSC (Base Station Controller)
- BSP (Business Service Provider)
- BT 3.0 (Bluetooth 3.0)
- BT 4.0 (Bluetooth 4.0)
- BTA (Basic Trading Area)
- Bug
- Buitendienstbeheer
- Business Capability Modeling
- Business intelligence (BI) services
- BuySmart™
- BYOD (Bring your own Device)
- Bytecode
- C-band
- C-commerce (Collaborative Commerce)
- C/IM-software (Crisis/Incident Management)
- CaaS (Communications as a Service)
- CAC (Common Access Card)
- CAC (Connection Admission Control)
- Cache
- CAE (Computer-aided Engineering)
- Callcenter
- CAM (Computer-aided Manufacturing)
- Captive centers
- CASB's (Cloud Access Security Brokers)
- CASE (Computer-aided Software Engineering)
- Casemanagement-oplossingen
- CASP (Content And Applications Service Provider)
- Categoriebeheer
- CBD (Component-based Development)
- CBR (Case-based Reasoning)
- CBS (Consumer Broadband Services)
- CCC (Car Connectivity Consortium)
- CCD (Charge-coupled Device)
- CCM (Continuous Controls Monitoring)
- CCM (Customer Communications Management)
- CCOW (Clinical Context Object Workgroup)
- CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
- CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- CDO (Care Delivery Organization)
- CDP (Continuous Data Protection)
- CDR (Call Detail Record)
- CDR (Clinical Data Repository)
- CEC (Customer Engagement Center)
- Cellocatie
- Cellular Radio
- Celsplitsing
- CEP (Complex-Event Processing)
- CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- CGM (Consumer-generated Media)
- Chatbot
- CHIME (College of Healthcare Information Management Executives)
- CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer)
- CI (Informatie over concurrenten)
- CIAM (Customer Identity and Access Management)
- CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
- CIF (Customer Information File)
- CIFS (Common Internet File System)
- CIM (Common Information Model)
- CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing)
- CIM (Customer Information Management)
- CIO (Chief Information Officer)
- CIR (Committed Information Rate)
- Circuit switching
- CIRP (Cyber Incident Response Plan)
- CIRT (Cyber Incident Response Team)
- CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
- Citizen developer
- CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer)
- CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)
- Clickstreamanalyse
- Client/server
- Clipping
- Closed-loop MRP (Closed-loop Material Requirements Planning)
- Closed-loop PM (Performance Management)
- Cloud AD (Cloud Application Development)
- Cloud advertising
- Cloud computing
- Cloud security gateway
- Cloud-e-mail
- Cloud-versleutelingsgateways
- Cloudbeveiliging
- Clustercontroller
- CLV (Constant Linear Velocity)
- CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System)
- CMNS (Connection Mode Network Service)
- CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
- CMOS (Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor)
- CMOT (Common Management Over TCP/IP)
- CMP (Cloud Management Platforms)
- CMS (Campaign Management System)
- CMYK (soms YMCK of "Process Color Printing")
- CNI (Carrier Network Infrastructure)
- CNS (Converged Network Services)
- COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)
- Codd's Rule Zero
- COE (Center of Excellence)
- Cognitieve radio
- COLD (Computer Output To Laserdisc)
- Commerce everywhere
- Commerce platform server
- Communitycloud
- Competentiecentrum
- Computer-telefoonintegratie
- Computerapparaat
- Conflictbeheer
- Consumer NAS (Consumer Network Attached Storage)
- Consumerisatie
- Contactcentersysteem
- Contactcentrum
- Content aggregator
- Content targeting
- Contentanalyse
- Contentmarketing
- Context-aware computing
- Contextbewuste beveiliging
- Continue bewerkingen
- Continue intelligentie
- Continuïteitscontrole
- CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
- Core Banking System
- CoS (Class of Service)
- Cost to Serve
- CPA (Comprehensive Production Architecture)
- CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service)
- CPC (Collaborative Product Commerce)
- CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)
- CPE (Customer-premises Equipment) zakelijke DSL-router met ingebouwde DSL-modem
- CPGA (Cost Per Gross Add)
- CPM (Corporate Performance Management)
- CPM (Cost per Thousand)
- CPM-pakketten (Corporate Performance Management)
- CPR (Computer-based Patient Record)
- CPT (Current Procedural Terminology)
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement)
- CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
- CRE (Corporate Real Estate)
- Critical ratio
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- CRM (Klantrelatiebeheer)
- CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)
- Cross-certificering
- Cross-docking
- Crowdsourcing
- CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning)
- CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)
- Cryptografie van openbare sleutels
- CSB (Cloud Services Brokerage)
- CSD (Circuit-switched Data)
- CSO (Chief Sales Officer)
- CSP (Communications Service Provider)
- CSP (Content Services Platform)
- CSU (Channel Service Unit)
- CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
- CTP-systemen (Capable-to-promise)
- CTQ (Critical to Quality)
- CUG (Closed User Group)
- CX (Klantervaring)
- CXM (Customer Experience Management)
- Cyberbeveiliging
- DaaS (Desktop as a Service)
- DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting)
- DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus)
- DAM (Database Activity Monitoring)
- DAP (Database Audit and Protection)
- DAP (Directory Access Protocol)
- Dark Data
- DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- DASD (Direct-access Storage Device)
- Dashboards
- DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)
- Data governance
- Data lake
- Data Monetization
- Data profiling
- Data Quality Tools
- Data wissen
- Databaseontwerp
- Databaseversleuteling
- Datacenter
- Datadeduplicatie
- Datamining
- DataOps
- Datawarehouse
- DBMS (Database Management System)
- DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite)
- DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging)
- DCB (Data Center Bridging)
- DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management)
- DDBMS (Distributed Database Management System)
- DDL (Data Definition Language)
- DDM (Dynamic Data Masking)
- DDMRP (Demand-driven Material Requirements Planning)
- DDVN (Demand-driven Value Network)
- Defined Benefit Plan
- Defined Contribution Plan
- Delen van netwerken
- Demand generation
- Descriptive Analytics
- DEVA (Document-enabled Vertical Application)
- DevOps
- DevSecOps
- DFX (Design for X)
- DG (Distributed Generation)
- DGT (Directorate General of Telecommunications), Taiwan
- Diagnose op afstand
- Diagnostische analyse
- Dienst met toegevoegde waarde
- Diensten voor het beheer van telecommunicatie-uitgaven
- Diensten voor identiteitscontrole
- Dienstenvoorraad
- DIF (Data Interchange Format)
- Digitaal
- Digitaal netwerk
- Digitaal watermerken
- Digital disruptor
- Digital finance
- Digital Thin Wallet Solutions
- Digital Twin
- Digitale bedrijfsactiviteiten
- Digitale bedrijfstransformatie
- Digitale handel
- Digitale klant
- Digitale kloof
- Digitale middelen
- Digitale ondertekening
- Digitale ontwrichting
- Digitale optimalisatie
- Digitale transformatie
- Digitale werkplek
- Digitalisering
- Digitalisering
- Direct kanaal
- Discussieforum
- Distributed cloud
- Diversiteit en inclusie
- DLP (Data Loss Protection)
- DM (Data Management)
- DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)
- DMH (digitale marketing hub)
- DMP (Data Management Platform)
- DNA logic
- Documentbeheer
- Domme terminal
- Doorvoer
- Download
- DPA (Demand Pattern Analysis)
- DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities)
- DPU (Defects Per Unit)
- Draadloze breedbandtoegang
- Draadloze datacommunicatie
- Draagbare computer
- Draaggolffrequentie
- Drie-schema-architectuur
- DRM (Digital Rights Management)
- DRM (Distributed Resource Management)
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- DSM (Distributed System Management)
- DSR (Demand Signal Repository)
- DTC (Digital Transformation Consulting)
- DTH (Direct To Home)
- Dual-mode
- DXC (Digital Cross-Connect)
- DXP (Digital Experience Platform)
- Dynamische BPM (Business Process Management)
- E-business
- E-CRM (Elektronisch klantrelatiebeheer)
- E-Forms (Electronic Forms)
- E-procurement
- E1
- EAM (Enterprise Asset Management)
- EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
- EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
- EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment)
- ECM (Enterprise Content Management
- EDA (Event-Driven Architecture)
- EDC (Electronic Data Capture)
- EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution)
- Edge computing
- Eerste generatie (1G of analoog)
- EFM (Enterprise Fraud Management)
- EIA (Enterprise Information Architecture)
- EIM (Enterprise Information Management)
- ELA (Enterprise License Agreement)
- Elasticiteit van clouddiensten
- elearning
- Elektromobiliteit (e-mobiliteit)
- Elektronisch afval (e-waste)
- Embedded Analytics
- EMD (Elektronisch medisch dossier)
- EMM (Enterprise Metadata Management)
- EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service)
- ENS (Enterprise Nervous System)
- Enterprise Information Archiving (EIA)
- Enterprise social software
- Enterprise Unified Communications-infrastructuur
- Enterprise-architectuur
- Enterprise-grade
- Enterprise-oplossingen
- Enterpriseniveau
- EPM (Enterprise Performance Management)
- ERP (Enterprise resource planning)
- ESP (External Services Provider)
- ESS (Employee Self-Service)
- ETA (Enterprise Technology Architecture)
- Ethernet-services
- ETRM (Energy Trading and Risk Management)
- ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
- Expertsysteem
- F-commerce (Facebook Commerce)
- Fabrieksplanning
- FALM (Federated Application Life Cycle Management)
- FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
- FCoE (Fibre Channel Over Ethernet)
- FHMA (Frequency-hopping Multiple Access)
- FIM (Federated Identity Management)
- Financiële analytics
- Financiële KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
- Financiële modellering
- Financiële optimalisatie
- Financiële risicobeoordeling
- Financiële zakenpartner
- Finite Loading
- Fintech
- Firecall
- Firewall
- FMC (Fixed-Mobile Convergence)
- FMEA (Failure Modes Effects Analysis)
- FMS (Financieel managementsysteem)
- Folksonomieën (sociaalnetwerklabels)
- FOMA (Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access)
- Fotovoltaïsche energie met hoge concentratie
- FP (Function Point)
- FP&A (Financial Planning and Analysis)
- FPD (Flat Panel Display)
- FPY (First Pass Yield)
- Fraudedetectie
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- FTTH (Fiber to the Home)
- FTTP (Fiber to the Premises)
- Fusies en overnames
- Fuzzy logic
- Fysieke beveiliging
- GAM (Global Account Management)
- Gamification
- GAN (Generic Access Network)
- Gateway
- Gateway server
- GDM (Global Delivery Model)
- Geautomatiseerd testen
- Geavanceerde analyse
- Geavanceerde technologie
- Gebaarherkenning
- Gebeurtenis-, fout- en logboekbeheer
- Geclusterd systeem
- Gedistribueerd computergebruik
- Gedistribueerde energieopwekking
- Gegevens en analyse
- Gegevensbeveiliging
- Gegevensintegratie
- Gegevensmakelaar
- Gegevensstrategie
- Gegevensvisualisatie
- Gegevenswetenschapper
- Geïntegreerde software
- Gelijktijdig gebruik
- Gemba
- Geostationaire satelliet
- Gevoeligheid van de ontvanger
- Gig Economy
- Global Delivery
- Glonass
- Goedkope IT
- Gouden handdruk
- GRC (Governance, Risk en Compliance)
- Groeistrategie
- Groen geld
- Grondsegment
- Grondstation
- Groupware
- GTM (Go-to-Market)-strategie
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- Hadoop
- HAN (Home-Area Network)
- Hand-off
- Handschriftherkenning
- Handtekeningverificatie
- Haptische technologie
- Hardwareonderhoud en ondersteunende services
- HCM (Human Capital Management)
- HCM-toepassingsservices (Human Capital Management)
- HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language)
- Hedgefonds
- Hedging
- Hergebruik
- Hergebruik van frequenties
- Heterogene architectuur
- HEV's (Hybrid Electric Vehicles)
- HIE (Health Information Exchange)
- Hiërarchische database
- High-performance werkplek
- HIPO (High-Potential Employee)
- HLR (Home Location Register)
- HMD's (Head-mounted Displays)
- HPC (High-Performance Computing)
- HR shared-servicecenter-tools
- HR-beheer
- HRMS (Human Resource Management System)
- HSA (Health Savings Account)
- HTAP in-memory computing-technologieën
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- Hulpmiddelen voor metadata- en datamodellering
- Human Augmentation
- HVD (Hosted Virtual Desktops)
- Hybride cloudcomputing
- Hype Cycle
- I/O-bound (Input/Output)
- I/O-kanaal (Input/Output)
- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
- IaaS (Integration-as-a-Service)
- IAE (Integrated Applications Environment)
- IAMaaS (Identity and Access Management as a Service)
- IB (Integration Broker)
- ICD-10 adoptietechnologie
- ICF (Information Capabilities Framework)
- ICM (Incentive Compensation Management)
- IDA (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore)
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Ideeënbeheer
- IDEN (Integrated Digital Enhanced Network)
- Identiteits- en toegangsbeheer (IAM)
- Identiteits- en toegangsinformatie
- IDM (Integrated Document Management)
- IDN (Integrated Digital Network)
- IDS (Integrated Delivery System)
- IE (Information Engineering)
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- IIoT (Industrial IoT Platforms)
- IKZ (Integrale kwaliteitszorg)
- ILE (Immersive Learning Environment)
- ILM (Information Life Cycle Management)
- ILTC (Instructor-led Training in the Classroom)
- IM (Information Management)
- IM (Instant Messaging)
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
- IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier)
- Implementatie
- Impliciete kennis
- IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
- IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
- IMT-A (International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced)
- In het apparaat ingebouwde biometrische authenticatie
- Infonomics
- Informatiebeheersysteem voor laboratoria
- Informatiekaarten
- Informatieverstrekking
- Information Governance
- Infrastructuursoftware
- Inkapseling
- Inkomstenborging
- Inkoop
- Innovatiebeheer
- Insight Engines
- Integratie van toepassingen
- Interactieve visualisatie
- Internet speed test
- Internetradio
- Internetservices voor consumenten
- Internettelefonie
- Intranet
- Introspectie
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- IoT-beveiliging (Internet of Things)
- IoT-dienst (Internet of Things)
- IoT-integratie (Internet of Things)
- IoT-platforms (Internet of Things)
- IP Centrex-platforms
- IP-adres (Internet Protocol Address)
- IPA (Integrated Publishing Architecture)
- iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service)
- IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
- IPv6 (Internet Protocol versie 6)
- IR (Investor Relations)
- IRD (Integrated Receiver Decoder)
- IRDA (Infrared Data Association)
- IRM (Integrated Risk Management)
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
- ISV (Independent Software Vendor)
- IT (Informatietechnologie)
- IT-activiteiten
- IT-beheerdiensten
- IT-budget
- IT-consulting
- IT-consultingservices
- IT-diensten
- IT-governance (ITG)
- IT-industrialisatie
- IT-infrastructuur
- IT-outsourcing
- IT-risico
- IT-strategie
- IT/OT-integratie
- ITAM (IT Asset Management)
- ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
- ITOM-software (IT Operations Management)
- ITRO (IT Resilience Orchestration)
- ITSD (IT Service Desk)
- ITSM (IT Service Management)-tools
- ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
- IUS (Infrastructure Utility Services)
- IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
- Java
- Java-applet
- Job Shadowing
- Johari Window
- Kabelserviceprovider
- KAM (Key Account Management)
- Kanaalanalyse
- Kanaalbeheer
- Kanaalcapaciteit
- Kanaalintegratie
- Kanaalpartner
- Kapitaaltoewijzing
- KC (Knowledge Community)
- Kennis vastleggen
- Kenniskapitaal
- Kerfless Wafering
- Key accounts
- Klantanalyse
- Klantenservice en -ondersteuning
- Klantgateways
- Klantgerichtheid
- KM (Kennismanagement)
- Knowledge Architect
- Knowledge Work Management
- Kosten-per-klik
- Kostenbesparingen
- Kostenoptimalisatie
- Kostenstructuur
- KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) voor marketing
- KPIV (Key Process Input Variable)
- KPOV (Key Process Output Variable)
- KSAO's (Kennis, vaardigheden, competenties en andere eigenschappen)
- Ku-band (Kurtz-under Band)
- Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI)
- Kwantumcomputing
- Kwetsbaarheidsbeoordeling
- L-band
- Lagging And Leading Key Performance Indicators
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- Landcode
- Lastvoorspelling
- Latentie
- LBS (Location-based Services)
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- Lead nurturing
- Led (Light-Emitting Diode)
- Legacytoepassing of -systeem
- Leiderschapsontwikkeling
- Leverancier
- Leveranciersbeheer
- Leveranciersneutraal
- LiFePO4-batterijen (Lithium Iron Phosphate)
- Lights-Out Recovery Operations Management
- LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
- LNP (Logistieke netwerkplanning)
- Local Positioning System
- Locatiebewuste technologie
- Loopback
- Loyaliteitsmarketing
- LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
- LTE-A (Long-Term Evolution Advanced)
- Lurker
- M-JPEG (Motion JPEG)
- M2M-communicatie (Machine-to-Machine)
- MAC (Media Access Control)
- MAC (Moves, Adds and Changes)
- Magic Quadrant
- Magnetometer
- Mainframe
- Mainstream notebook
- Managementconsulting
- Manufacturing execution system
- MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface)
- Marketing analytics
- Marketing automation
- Marketing Intelligence
- Marketing Operations
- Marketing resource management
- Marketing voor evenementen
- Marketingcommunicatie (Marcom)
- Marketingkanaal
- Marketingtechnologie
- MarketScope
- Mashup
- MCM (Marketing Content Management)
- MCM (Master Content Management)
- MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
- MDA (Model-driven Architecture)
- MDM (Master Data Management)
- MDM (Mobile Device Management)
- MDM-diensten (Mobile Device Management)
- Mediamix
- Mediaobjecten
- Mediatablet
- Medisch management
- Memristor
- Mesh-netwerk
- Metadata
- MFC's (Micro Fuel Cells)
- MIB (Management Information Base)
- MICR (Magnetic-ink Character Recognition)
- Microblogging
- Microgrids
- Microprocessor
- Midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB)
- MIMO (Multiple Input/Multiple Output)
- MIOE (Merchandising, Inventory and Operations Execution)
- MIPS (Million Instructions per Second)
- Mkb-bedrijf (midden- en kleinbedrijf)
- ML (Machine learning)
- MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service)
- MMIS (Materials Management Information System)
- MMS (Mobility Managed Services)
- MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
- MNO (Mobile-network Operator)
- MNS (Managed Network Services)
- Mobiel betalen
- Mobiel portaal
- Mobiel zakendoen (of M-business)
- Mobiele browsers
- Mobiele PC
- Mobiele webtoepassingen
- ModelOps
- ModelOps (Model Operationalization) met kunstmatige intelligentie
- Moderniseringsservices voor toepassingen
- Modulatie
- Money Cloud
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
- MOU's (Minutes of Use)
- MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
- MPM (Marketing Performance Management)
- MPS (Managed Print Services)
- MQL (Marketing-Qualified Lead)
- MSE (Midsize Enterprise)
- MSO (Management Services Organization)
- MSP (Managed Services Provider)
- MSP's (Marketing Service Providers)
- MSS (Mobile Satellite Services)
- MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)
- Multichannel feedback management
- Multimedia
- Multitenancy
- MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler)
- MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator)
- MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- MXDP (Multi-experience Development Platform)
- NAC (Network Access Control)
- Naleving
- NAS (Network-Attached Storage)
- Natural-language understanding
- NCCM (Network Configuration and Change Management)
- NCOP (Network Code of Practice)
- Net New Connections
- Netto contante waarde
- Netwerkapparaat
- Netwerkcomputer
- Netwerkdatabase
- Netwerkredundantie
- Netwerktoegangspunt
- Netwerktopologie
- Network outsourcing (enterprise en public network)
- Next-generation Network
- Nexus Of Forces
- NGFW's (Next-generation Firewalls)
- NI (Network Intelligence)
- NIC (Network Interface Card)
- NLP (Natural-Language Processing)
- NMOS (N-channel metaaloxide halfgeleider)
- NNVA (Necessary non-value-adding)
- NOS (Network Operating System)
- NPS (Net Promoter Score)
- NSM (Network and System Management)
- NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
- Objectgeoriënteerd programmeren
- Objectgeoriënteerd systeem
- OCP (Open Compute Project)
- ODM (Object Data Model)
- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- Offshoring
- OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)
- OMS (Outage Management System)
- Onbetaald verlof
- Onboarding
- Onderhoudsservices voor hardware en software
- Online programmabeheer in het hoger onderwijs
- Ontwerpgericht denken
- OODBMS (Object-oriented Database Management System)
- Oogbesturing
- OOT (Object-oriented Technology)
- Open architectuur
- Open data
- Openbare-cloudcomputing
- Operationeel model
- Operationeel ondersteuningssysteem
- Operationele Data Store
- Operationele diensten
- Operationele veerkracht
- Oplossing
- Oplossingsarchitectuur
- Opportunity Management System
- Opslagapparaat
- Opslagplaats
- Optieanalyse
- Opvolgingsplanning en -beheer
- Opwekkingsplanning
- ORM (Operational Resource Management)
- OT (Operational Technology)
- OTA (Over The Air)
- OTIF (On Time In Full)
- Overheidsbegroting
- P2P (Peer-to-Peer)
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
- Pace-layered Application Strategy
- Paid Social
- Pakketgeschakeld netwerk
- Pakketten met CPQ-toepassingen (Configure, Price, Quote)
- PAL (Phase Alternate Line)
- PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation)
- Passantenanalyse
- PAT (Process Analytical Technology)
- PCLM (Product Cost and Life Cycle Management)
- PCM (Patient Care Management)
- PCM (Puls Code Modulation)
- PCU (Packet Control Unit)
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
- PDC (Personal Digital Cellular)
- PDM (Product Data Management)
- Penetratiegraad (mobiel)
- Penetratietest
- Personalisatie
- Personeelsanalyse
- Persoonlijke cloud
- PHR (Personal Health Record)
- Picocel
- Pijnpunten
- PIMS (Production Information Management System)
- PIP (Performance Improvement Plan)
- Pipeline velocity
- Platform (digitale bedrijfsactiviteiten)
- Platform voor eindpuntbescherming
- Platform voor marketing automation
- Platformonafhankelijk
- PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
- PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
- PMU's (Phasor Measurement Units)
- pNFS (Parallel Network File System)
- POC (Proof of Concept)
- POP (Point of Presence)
- Portal
- Postmodern ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- POX (Plain Old XML)
- PPM (Product Portfolio and Program Management)
- Predictive modeling oplossingen
- Prescriptive analytics
- Prestatiebeheer
- Prestatiegerichte cultuur
- Prestatiemarketing
- Privacy Management Tools
- PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
- Procesbeheer
- Process mining
- Procure-to-pay-oplossing
- Product (Digital Business)
- Productanalyse
- Productbeheer (digitale bedrijven)
- Productcatalogus
- Productieplanning
- Productondersteunende diensten
- Programmatisch adverteren
- Projectmanagement
- Projectmanagementbureau
- Propriëtaire software
- Proxy agent
- PSA (Professional Services Administration)
- PSK (Phase-shift Keying)
- Psychologische veiligheid
- PTR (Peak Transaction Rate)
- Pull Printing
- Push-technologie
- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
- PX (Private Exchange)
- QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)
- QoS (Quality of Service)
- Quad-band
- R-UIM (Removable User Identity Module)
- R2R (Record to Report)
- RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
- Rampherstel
- Rampherstelplanning
- RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability)
- RASP (Runtime Application Self-protection)
- RCS (Rich Communication Suite)
- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
- RDM (Requirements Definition and Management)
- Realtime
- Realtime analyse
- Rechtenbeheer
- Redactietools
- Reputatiebeheer
- Resourcegroep voor werknemers
- RFID (Radio-frequency Identification)
- RFID-tags (Radio-Frequency Identification)
- RFP (Request for Proposal)
- RIA (Rich Internet Application)
- Right-to-work
- RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
- RM (Relationship Manager)
- RNC (Radio Network Controller)
- Roaming
- ROE (Return on Equity)
- ROIT (Return on Information Technology)
- Rolling forecast
- Rouwverlof
- RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
- RPA-software (Robotic Process Automation)
- RRP (Resource Requirements Planning)
- RTT (Round-trip Time)
- RU (Rack Unit)
- Ruimtesegment
- S&OE (Sales and Operations Execution)
- S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) SOD (System Of Differentiation)
- SAC (Subscriber Acquisition Cost)
- SAM (Software Asset Management)
- SAM-tools (Systems Administration Management)
- Samengesteld jaarlijks groeipercentage
- Samengestelde toepassing
- SAP (Systems, Applications and Products) SuccessFactors-serviceproviders
- SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
- Satelliet-/stirlingmotor
- Satellietcommunicatie
- SBC (Server-Based Computing)
- SC-FDMA (Single-carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access)
- SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
- SCALe (Supply Chain Architecture Life Cycle)
- Scanner
- SCCM (Software Change and Configuration Management)
- SCE (Supply Chain Execution)
- Schaalbaarheid
- Schaduw-/spiegeldatabase
- Schaduw-IT
- Schotelantenne
- SCIV (Supply Chain Inventory Visibility)
- SCM (Software Configuration Management)
- SCP (Supply Chain Planning)
- SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier)
- Scriptless Testing
- SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network)
- SDK (Software Development Kit)
- SDMA (Spatial Division Multiple Access)
- SDN (Software-gedefinieerde netwerken)
- SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Search-based Data Discovery Tools
- Secret-key cryptography
- Secure Web Gateway
- Segmentatie van de toeleveringsketen
- Selfservice en klantsupport
- Selfservice-analyse
- Semantisch gegevensmodel
- Senpai
- Sensei (ook Lean Sensei)
- Serieschakeling
- Serverless printing
- Service-centric Cloud ERP-oplossingen (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- Servicebureau
- SFC (Shop Floor Control)
- SFM (Store-and-Forward Manager)
- SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node)
- Shared services of shared services center
- Shrink-wrapped
- SI (System Integrator)
- Sideband
- SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
- SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
- Siliciumanodebatterijen
- SIM Toolkit (SIM Application Toolkit)
- SIM-kaart (Subscriber Identity Module)
- SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
- Single-instance ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- SIO (Strategic Information Office)
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- Six Sigma
- SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit)
- SLA (Service Level Agreement)
- SLED (Single Large Expensive Disk)
- Slim contract
- Slim productiesysteemn
- Slimme antenne
- Slimme apparaten
- Slimme fabriek
- SLM (Service-Level Management)
- SLO (Service-Level Objective)
- SMA (Service Management Agreement)
- Smartcard
- Smartphone
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
- SMFP (Smart Multi-Function Printer)
- SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing)
- SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio)
- Sms (Short Message Service)
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- SNA (Social Network Analysis)
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- SOA (Service-oriented Architecture)
- Sociaalnetwerklabels (Folksonomie)
- Social computing
- Social CRM
- Social publishing
- Social selling
- Sociale analyse
- Sociale content
- Sociale profielen
- Sociale software
- Sociale technologieën
- Socialenetwerksites
- Softswitch architecture
- Softswitches
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Software voor bedrijfstoepassingen
- Software voor opslagbeheer
- Software-onderhoud
- Software-ondersteuningsdiensten
- Softwareontwikkeling
- SOHO (Small Office/Home Office)
- SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)
- SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) en SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)
- Source routing
- SOX (Sarbarnes-Oxley Act)
- Spaghettidiagram
- Spamdexing
- Span of control
- Spraakdiensten voor consumenten
- Spraakversleuteling
- SQL (Sales-Qualified Lead)
- SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SRM (Storage Resource Management)
- SRM (Supplier Relationship Management)
- SSBI (Self-Service Business Intelligence)
- SSEM (System and Server Evaluation Model)
- SSN (Switched Service Network)
- SSO (Single Sign-on)
- SSP (Storage Service Provider)
- Standaarden
- Statistische multiplexing
- Statistische procescontrole
- STDM (Statistical Time-division Multiplexing)
- Stickiness
- STM (Synchronous Transfer Mode)
- Strategic sourcing
- Stuklijst
- Subnet
- Subnetmasker
- Superserver
- SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array)
- SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
- Synchrone communicatie
- Synchroon
- Syntaxis
- Synthetische gegevens
- Systeem voor marketing automation
- Systeemintegratie
- Taakplanning
- Talentbeheer
- Talentwerving
- Tbps (Terabit-per-second) Transport
- TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)
- TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
- TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)
- Tekstanalyse
- Telecom equipment support diensten
- Telecomanalyse
- Telecommunicatie-apparatuur
- Telecommunicatiediensten
- Telecommunicatiemaatschappij
- Telematica
- Terminal
- Textmining
- Thin client
- TLM (Technical License Management)
- TLP (Transmission-level Point)
- TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- TMG (Trunk Media Gateway)
- TMS (Transportation Management System)
- Toegangsmethode
- Toekomst van werk
- Toeleveringsketen
- Toepassingen voor financiële bedrijfsplanning
- Toepassingsarchitectuur
- Toepassingsbeheer
- Toepassingsinfrastructuur
- Toepassingsserver
- Tokenisatie
- Tools voor bedrijfsprocesanalyse
- Tools voor bewaking van netwerkfouten
- Tools voor het beheer van fysieke resources en infrastructuur
- Tools voor klantenbeheer
- Tools voor wachtwoordbeheer
- Totaal aan beloningen
- Touchpoint
- TPM (Trade Promotion Management) en TPO (Trade Promotion Optimization)
- Track & trace
- Trademarketing
- Trainings- en ontwikkelingsprogramma's
- Transactieverwerking
- Transmedia
- Transponder
- Tweedehandsmarkt
- UC (Unified Communications)
- UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)
- UCC (Unified Communications and Collaboration)
- Uitbesteding van toepassingen
- Uitgavenbeheer
- Uitgestelde vergoeding
- Uitvoering en controle in de detailhandel
- Ultrabook
- Ultramobielen
- Ultrasnel breedbandinternet
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- User Provisioning
- UTM (Unified Threat Management)
- UXP (User Experience Platforms)
- VAA-kosten (Verkoop-, algemene en administratieve)
- Valuedrivers
- VAN (Value-Added Network)
- VAR (Value-Added Reseller)
- Variantie
- VAS (Versatile Authentication Server and Service)
- Vastelijnaanbieder
- VB (Visual Basic)
- VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
- VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
- vCPE (virtual Customer Premises Equipment)
- VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
- VDSL (Very High-speed Digital Subscriber Lines)
- Veiligheidsbeheer
- Verandermanagement
- Verkoop aan eindgebruikers
- Verkoopanalyse
- Verkoopautomatisering
- Verkoopkanalen
- Verkoopproces
- Verkoopquotum
- Verkoopteamstructuur
- Verloop
- Verzuimbeheer
- Verzwakking
- Videoconferenties
- Virtualisatie
- Virtueel kanaal
- Virtueel team
- Virtuele assistent
- Virtuele teambuilding
- Virtuele verkoop
- VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)
- VLR (Visitor Location Register)
- VM (Virtual Machine)
- VNO (Virtual Network Operator)
- VoC (Voice of the Customer)
- VOD (Video On Demand)
- Volumetrische displays
- Voorspellende analyse
- Voorspellende gedragsanalyse
- Voorspellende modellering
- Voortdurende integratie
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- VR (Virtual Reality)
- Vraagvoorspelling
- Vrije koeling (economisers)
- VRM (Vendor Risk Management)
- VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
- VRS (Voice Response System)
- VRU (Voice Response Unit)
- VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
- VSF (Virtual Server Facility)
- VTL (Virtual Tape Library)
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- WAG (Wireless Application Gateway)
- WAM (Web Access Management)
- WAN (Wide-Area Network)
- WAP-browser (Wireless Access Protocol)
- Warmtekrachtkoppeling
- WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
- WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
- WDP (Wireless Datagram Protocol)
- Web-analytics
- Webconferencing en gedeelde werkruimten/teamsamenwerking
- Webcontentbeheer
- Webcrawler
- Webhosting
- Webservices
- WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance)
- WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
- Werken op afstand
- Werkmanagement
- Werknemerservaring
- Werknemersrelaties
- Werkstroombeheer
- WFM (Workforce Management)
- Wholesale carrier
- Wiki
- Winstdeling
- WIPS (Wireless Intrusion Prevention System)
- Wireless Application Protoco (WAP)
- WLL (Mobiel Wireless Local Loop)
- WMS (Warehouse Management System)
- WOA (Web-oriented Architecture)
- WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
- WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)
- XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- ZBB (Zero-Based Budgeting)
- Zelfbeschrijvende berichten
- ZigBee
- ZLE (Zero-latency Enterprise)
- Zorginformatiesysteem
- ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access)
- Zwak of sterk signaal