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Wat is Deep Freeze?

Deep Freeze Reboot to Restore software biedt ultieme eindpuntbescherming door het bevriezen van een momentopname van je gewenste computerconfiguratie en -instellingen. Met een onmiddellijke herstart worden ongewenste of ongeautoriseerde wijzigingen volledig uit het systeem gewist en wordt deze teruggezet naar de ongerepte "bevroren" status. Deep Freeze biedt eindgebruikers onbeperkte toegang tot het systeem, voorkomt permanente configuratiewijzigingen en zorgt voor 100% herstel van het werkstation bij elke herstart.

Wie gebruikt Deep Freeze?

Onderwijs, computers met openbare toegang, bibliotheken, gezondheidszorg, horeca, zakelijke klanten.

Deep Freeze Software - 1
Deep Freeze Software - 2
Deep Freeze Software - 3

Twijfels over Deep Freeze? Vergelijk met een populair alternatief

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze

4,6 (41)
C$ 48,00
Gratis versie
Gratis proefversie
4,4 (41)
4,4 (41)
4,3 (41)
US$ 129,00
Gratis versie
Gratis proefversie
4,6 (416)
4,6 (416)
4,5 (416)
Groene beoordelingsbalken geven het winnende product aan, op basis van de gemiddelde beoordeling en het aantal reviews.

Andere goede alternatieven voor Deep Freeze

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Reviews over Deep Freeze

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In totaal

Reviews op basis van bedrijfsgrootte (werknemers)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Reviews zoeken op score

Senior Web Designer and Developer in Filipijnen
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Informatietechnologie en -diensten, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Dee Freeze - now and forever!

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Fantastic! As I have said, it just one of the couple of software I distinctly like. It has neve failed me ever since. The peace of mind it gives you is priceless. I can't imagine don't having it on my PC or laptop with the kind of dynamic job I'm having. I can fool around with software without worries because I know the system is already been preserved.


- The best feature of the best with Deep Freeze is it's capability to segregate a copy of your boot drive or your drive c and make it solid secure. I mean, whatever you do with your boot drive - put malware in it, delete files, save files in it or even put in upside down - one quick restart will do the trick.- This is one of the couple of software I avidly use in the whole wide universe. The other one is Registry Easy (now defunct - hoping they'll be back soon). Deep Freeze has been solidly been by my side ever since. And it's been ever since that I haven't had any corrupted boot drive in m PC. Imagine the peace of mind it does.- I can install any form of software even malware laden ones for testing and I don't have to worry since the boot drive where I have installed the test software in safe and sound.- It also gives you allowance to allocate thawed state in the same directory where you have frozen. In cases where you need to install software you need to retain.- And the best thing about this is it is so affordable. Best bang for the buck. So far, it hasn't subscribe yet to the current trend where most software are acquired through subscription basis. You can buy the software and own it for a lifetime.


- Of course, if you happened to save a file inadvertently on a frozen drive and you happened to restart it, then Deep Freeze is unforgiving - you won't be able to recover it. In my case, I am well aware of this.- Now, if you happened to uninstall Deep Freeze improperly, you'll run into danger that it will corrupt your entire boot drive. Deep Freeze cannot be uninstalled customarily via Control Panel, you need to use the app itself to uninstall it.

Senior Desktop and AV Engineer in VK
Schoolleiding, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze enables low-cost cyber secure lab environments

5,0 2 maanden geleden Nieuw

Opmerkingen: Deep Freeze has enabled us to deploy secure workstations in areas which, by necessity, encourage dabbling with malware, viruses and other cyber threats. Without Deep Freeze providing a clean workstation on every boot, we would have to invest many more hours and a lot more money into providing virtual cloud infrastructure to achieve a similar goal.


Deep Freeze enables us to provide secure workstations for our cyber labs, safe in the knowledge they will be patched to current standards but also completely clean on reboot. This saves masses of time in technician hours.


The interface is a touch dated now. We use the on-prem version and it's extremely functional but could do with a little bit of a modern re-work.

Educator in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 10.000+ werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Very useful for computer protection

3,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: We used Deep Freeze to protect the school computers from careless student use but discontinued its use with time.


Deepfreeze can protect your computer from pretty much anything that a careless use could do to it. A simple restart takes care even of serious issues such as a virus.


As good as Deep Freeze it has some glaring problems. Many users simply leave the computer on to avoid having to reinstall the programs they want. Also, many viruses and malware simply steal information today against which there is no protection.

Technology Integration Specialist in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Hoger onderwijs, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

A fresh pc after every reboot

5,0 vorig jaar


Once the management console was installed and seeds configured, the deployment was very smooth and painless. Keeping computers in the original configuration is a great timesaver.


New OS releases can cause some issues but Faronics has always been able to resolve with point releases.

Administrador de sistemas in Venezuela
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

This program is practically essential in my day to day.

5,0 7 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: It helps me not have to worry about the things they download or the bad configurations that users run on computers.


The advantages are many. The most basic are; The restoration of the hard disk to the state in which it was before the use of the users, the selection of the discs that you want to freeze and those that do not. As also more complicated things from the server interface; as the execution of batch files customizable from the server and applicable to each machine remotely. It also has a calendar to decide that way, when you want to run a batch file, update windows or "thawed locked" (useful for updating software without worrying about someone else using the computer and deconfiguring it). Without forgetting the availability of "wake on lan" without having to write the MAC of each machine manually, useful when you have many computers. I use batch files personally to keep programs and applications updated at all times.


The only important disadvantage I find is having to place a user and a password to run programs on computers remotely, which is not necessary with other software (not for the same purposes as deep freeze).

Marriage and Family Therapy Candidate in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze is great for computers in a public space

5,0 7 jaar geleden


I employ Deep Freeze on computers that are used by middle school and high school students. They download all sorts of bloatware, so it's great to be able to use Deep Freeze to make sure the computers stay in good shape week to week. I have yet to get any viruses while using Deep Freeze. They also "hide" the software, so a typical user has no clue that it's being used. This helps with people "thawing" Deep Freeze.


I wish Deep Freeze would allow for regular Windows updates without unthawing. Really, this is a minor complaint. To update the computer, you "unthaw" by restarting, and then you can update any software. So, it just takes a few computer restarts and you're done.

Director of Customer Care - Office of Information Technology in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Hoger onderwijs, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Long time user that finds a lot of value in the tool

4,0 7 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: It freezes our computer image to a pristine state. One reboot it sets things back to the way they are supposed to be. Each morning we apply updates, reboot and have our public computing ready to go.


This software keeps us safe and gives us a stable and clean environment for our computers. As a result it gives us a lot of flexibility of where and how we present computers to the public.


We have had software conflicts over the years deepfreeze and other software packages. They have always worked through them, but it has taken a lot of work.

Network Administrator in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Management non-profit organisaties, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze Works

4,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I am using this product to manage 120 Patron used Windows PC's in a Public Library environment and in doing so each time a Patron ends their session and logs off of the PC is reboots and with Deep Freeze installed the reboot insures that all of that Patrons data and logon information and web page data is deleted giving the next Patron a fresh PC to start with. I can select all the PC's at the same time and tell Deep Freeze to perform Windows Updates on all PC's and that's all.. they're done!!!


Deep Freeze Installs quickly and easily and performs effectively. It allows a single mouse click to cause a PC to reboot in a "thawed" state then install Windows updates and after it's finished updates it reboots the PC "frozen" and all with one selection.


Deep Freeze allows you to "push" software installations to a frozen PC BUT only if it meets the file size limitation. This limitation makes it a bit difficult because you have to pick and choose..

Subject Matter Expert in India
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Verzekeringen, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Protect your assets

5,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I used to run cybercafe and one most critical problem we all cyber-cafe owners faced that corruption of Operating System due to viruses, threats, improper use of system. Then I came across this software Deep Freeze and suddenly it solved all of my problems. All I had to do just freeze drive where operating system in installed and forget it. Whatever viruses came and tampered the system or corruption due to customer's bad use of the system, just disappears after you restart the system. It was like magic and everyone soon followed my trend to use this software. I no longer run cybercafe (since they ran out of business), but I still use this software in our small business office to protect my investments and it still works it magic.


Protects your systems against threats, data corruption, system failures and prolongs its life. Very easy to implement and use. Set it and forget it.


None. Its fairly easy to use, easy to implement.

Dr. Jayant
Dr. Jayant
Assistant Professor in India
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 201-500 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze is very useful software for restoring the PC data and keep PC clean.

5,0 4 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I have installed the Deep Freeze at my workstation PC. It prevent from viruses and keeps PC clean.


Deep Freeze is very useful software for restoring the PC data. When we shut down the PC, Deep Freeze restore the data in the PC.


Some times If we forget to store the useful file or data for the day, Deep Freeze remove it from PC when shutting down the PC.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Internet, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: Gratis proef
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze

5,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Deep freeze was a great help for me, I do not have an anti virus installed in my computer when I was using deep freeze. Whenever I encountered a problem with my computer I just restart it and voila everything is back to normal.


Deep Freeze is easy to use. Just double click on the icon and enter your password if you want to unfreeze it and download or make changes with your computer. With deep freeze I was able to protect my computer from unwanted changes and even virus.


Sometimes I forget that I need to unfreeze it before downloading that I have to repeat the process again.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 5.001-10.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze saves my company from viruses and user mistakes

5,0 5 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: My company supports a lot of computers and has a lot of users. The fact that Deep Freeze keeps every single computer the same, all the time, is a blessing for the PC technician. Deep Freeze saves us from OS issues and frees us up to work on hardware issues.


Deep Freeze freezes my computers settings and configurations so that unauthorized changes from a user or virus cannot damage the system. It stops users from installing unapproved software as well and if something does get installed, a simple restart will restore the computer back to the same as the day it was imaged. Very handy and saves a lot of headaches.


Ease of changing the computer means you have to thaw the Deep Freeze client so changes can be made. It is a somewhat time consuming process to wait for PC restarts.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Computernetwerken, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze

4,0 2 jaar geleden


An easy-to-use program that has a high ability to save the system from viruses that infect the system and restores the device to its previous state as soon as the device is restarted


There is one thing I did not like, sometimes some viruses can bypass Deep Freeze protection.

it Support in Canada
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Problably the best software invented for admin public computer ! Really practical for public user !!

5,0 7 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Now i can use my time to arrange real problem, not virus or othing promblem on public computer !


The best thing it's when you install it , this software freeze the computer and when you restart it's like you never use it, if user got a virus or a malware you restart it and it gone !!!before we use Deep freeze, each day i havent to reinstall 2 or 3 computer now it's happen only each month due to other issue.


Honestly, the only thing you need to check it's the setting you give to the software, be sure to allow a good time for windows update if you dont do that , windows dont have the time to make the update and often you got bluescreen, pay attention to that .

College Professor in Venezuela
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

495/5000 Ideal to maintain a controlled environment in the office free of viruses and Trojans

5,0 7 jaar geleden


Ideal to maintain a controlled environment in the office free of viruses and Trojans It is a light software and easy installation, it allows me to 'freeze' the state of the computer, so that, every time the machine is restarted, it will return to the state of its start. Through the implementation of this program you can reduce the number of incidents due to virus attacks.


Through the use I have with this application I do not see anything negative, although care must be taken to unfreeze the PC to make changes and we can not forget freeze again.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Deep Freeze, your best option to control your computer

5,0 7 jaar geleden


The best thing about this software is the quality and efficiency with which you can control your computer from infections and malicious files, just by restarting your computer as much as you want, thanks to this software


I do not have negative opinions for this software, it has served me very well

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Great product for secure PCs

4,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Deep Freeze allowed us to secure our lab PCs from unwanted changes. It also allowed us to utilize the cloud features for some remote management.


DeeFreeze prevented unwanted installation of software onto our lab PCs. If any changes were made, all we need to do is reboot the machine in order to go back to the original state. They also made it very easy to add software if needed. The cloud solutions they offered worked very well.


The on prem Control Center was a little outdated and clunky to use. Sometimes machines would not respond or pull software down.

University Professor in Venezuela
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

My PC free of viruses and junk files, always like new.

5,0 7 jaar geleden


Deep freeze allows me to freeze the hard drive so that you work normally with it (I create and delete files, install and remove programs, modify the appearance of the desktop) but when I restart the PC again, no change will have any effect. This is a great advantage because it allows me to have the PC without viruses, malicious programs, junk files, and I find it more useful on the PC used by the whole family in the reading room of the house.


We must be very careful if I unfreeze the PC to install something or make some change to the operating system, and then we forget to refreeze, this would be a danger to my younger siblings who are always playing and browsing the PC at home.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Management non-profit organisaties, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Fantastic Product

5,0 3 jaar geleden


As a nonprofit offering "freecomputers we had to deal with viruses, documents and users "customizing" software. Deep freeze allowed our machines to be returned to a pristine state every midnight!


None at all, it saved SO MUCH repeated time and effort!

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Software to Protect the System

4,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: It is a very good product. It restores the system settings and protects it from the virus. I always support to this product. I faced many problems in maintaining the system settings and protecting the system from the viruses. By using this software I could easily overcome these problems.


This software is the better one to preserve the system configuration and settings.


It erases all new files and folders in the protected drive without giving confirmation alert.

Assistant Network Administrator in VS
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

A Must Have for Any K12 Institution

5,0 7 jaar geleden


DeepFreeze has the simplest management interface and maintenance of any software we use. We are able to keep our computer labs in a consistent state which has allowed us to properly support the software installed in the labs.


DeepFreeze has evolved over the years and we really cannot find anything we do not like about it at this time.

MIS Dept in VS
Schoolleiding, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Faronics Deep Freeze

5,0 5 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Deep Freeze is a great tool that we utilize to not allow students to make changes to computers. It has been a great benefit for our MIS Dept.


The thing I like most about this product is the new Server interface that allows me to unfreeze computer labs all at the same time, instead of one by one. This saves lots of time when trying to make updates to computers.


The thing I like least about Faronics Deep Freeze is that it sometimes causes issues with computers during startup. If there is a Windows update, it will someone go into an infinite loop and never get to the startup screen. However, with the new version of Deep Freeze, we haven't had this issue.

Manager, IT in VS
Schoolleiding, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

We use Deepfreeze to secure our kiosk PC's.

5,0 7 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: It keeps our environment more secure but deleting unwanted software and removing confidential documents from shared machines from uninformed users.


The ease of use and the ability to interact with machines via the cloud directly with your phone via the app. I also love that you can keep core apps up to date like chrome but erase other undesired applications upon reboot.


I am not able to list any notable cons at this time. Maybe they can continue to add to the supported application list that can be patched but not erased upon reboot, can't hurt!

Operations Manager in VS
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Game Changing

5,0 7 jaar geleden


It's an incredible tool I use to safeguard the computers my company provides for our residents to use. Dozens of residents sharing the same computers means an incredible amount of junk and malware. Deep Freeze lets me clean up the computers by simply rebooting. Saves me a great deal of time and energy.


The only thing that would improve this software is if it were free. In my opinion, it's incredible and I can't think of a significant downside.

IT Support Technician in VS
Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Functionality With A Catch

4,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Great when it works and has been properly configured. Getting to that point may take a little work though.


Deep Freeze is great to install on kiosk PCs or any computer that sees a number of different users. If anyone makes any unnecessary changes or infects the PC with malware, a simple reboot will reset the PC to the way it was right before installing the software ("freezing" it).


Setting things up can get a bit complicated, especially when using more advanced features. There has also often been times where the software does not install correctly, forcing you to restart the entire process over. It can also be very difficult to completely remove from a PC without reinstalling the entire OS.