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WordPress VIP
Wat is WordPress VIP?
WordPress VIP is een flexibel contentplatform voor ondernemingen. WordPress VIP, dat gebaseerd is op de flexibiliteit en alomtegenwoordigheid van WordPress, dat 40% van het web aanstuurt, stelt marketeers in staat om sneller content te bouwen en deze via al hun digitale kanalen te leveren. Dankzij de ingebouwde contentanalyse kunnen ze de prestaties van content meten en slimmer itereren. Met WordPress VIP kunnen contentteams met meer flexibiliteit bewegen terwijl het de beveiliging en betrouwbaarheid waarborgt die ze nodig hebben om op ondernemingsschaal te werken.
Wie gebruikt WordPress VIP?
WordPress VIP is ideaal voor ondernemingen die content centraal in hun marketingpraktijk willen stellen.
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WordPress VIP
Reviews over WordPress VIP

Wordpress webdesign experience
websites are fast to load, the code seems to be more simple.
It is super difficult to build a website with wordpress. it's not a drag & drop like webnode or wix.

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The great choise for your content management needs in the enterprise level.
Opmerkingen: For more than ten years, I develop something with WordPress for my clients. But always there is a problem with keeping it updated. Also, clients always have a trust problem against this solution. But with this option, there is no problem anymore. I suggested our client (it is one of the big USA banks) use this and after the implementation, they are happy. Because similar to its competitors like SharePoint and Adobe Experience Manager, now the customer has an official interlocutor. In case of a problem, they can ask them.
The support is wonderful. If needed, they can reach you and code together to fix your problems. If you are familiar with WordPress already, without any learning curve, you can start for development. There are a lot of resources you can check your problem. Also if there is already a WordPress-based website, you can easily move this environment. Another good point is deployment automation. Your staging and production branches are deployed automatically by checking code quality and other points. No need to use additional CI/CD or code quality tools. I think this product is a great alternative for companies that use expensive solutions for their simple content management needs and has a fear about using WordPress!
There are some additional plugins on the top of WordPress Core to make it suitable for VIP. There are some weird bugs that the support only knows their fixes if you use a complex plugin like Elemantary.
WP VIP review
Opmerkingen: Very easy to use, many features and controls low learning curve.
Ease of use, low learning curve for editor.
The cost are very high, but on the other hand the value for this product is also high.
No need to look for another option for your web content
Opmerkingen: In my previous company, we had a lot of websites based on WordPress VIP for our different brands and target countries. I was responsible for checking their content checking and validation.
Learning how to use is so easy. Especially asset management (images, photos etc) is so easy. Because of our needs, I have to add videos from YouTube. Unlike other platforms, in WordPress Vip, pasting its URL is enough for adding them into the content. Also another important point, we had many websites, switching between each other for management, is so easy. No need to take more action.
As ı mentioned above image management is easy but WordPress VIP doesn't keep the images as a folder belonging to the post or page. If you need to export the images to somewhere with a purpose, finding your photo/image is not easy.
Opmerkingen: Hosting site
Has themes for website design and creating
Easy to publish and set a private webpages
Meus Motivos para escolher Wordpress VIP
Opmerkingen: Já usei outras plataformas para criação de sites e acho o wordpress vip mais fácil de usar
Os recursos e benefícios do WordPress VIP que mais gosto são a segurança avançada, escalabilidade, suporte ao cliente , personalização avançada e recursos de publicação em grande escala. Além disso, o WordPress VIP oferece um ambiente de hospedagem otimizado para melhorar a velocidade e o desempenho do site WordPress.
Tive um pouco de dificuldade em integrar recursos de email martketing, tive que ver alguns tutoriais.
Website management
The product allows the integration with other software like mostly at artificial intelligence software
It is quick to deliver or reports on the email address and has automatic update.
The fastest and most complete platform
The speed of the platform is what I like the mostIt supports documentation making it easier to access and update the information.
It would be good to have smaller packages for companies that have lower budgets and that are starting its activity. It's too expensive.

WordPress VIP
Opmerkingen: My overall experience with this software is that, it is easy to train new users on it.
This particular and special software is widely used by web content creators, bloggers and websites that has large scale viewers. It helps the users create a lasting and valuable experiences to their viewers, readers and customers. This software makes running a large website easy and simple. It has a very proactive and handy support team, which makes the software very uniqy and good.
It is expensive and it is not economical for websites with small or medium volume of viewers.
best for building websites but not for beginner
Opmerkingen: Once you have experience you can easily do changes to your website according to your needs.
There are just so many options in there, it's impossible to use it all lol. Once you know the system it's pretty clear cut.
If you are new to this website builder you'll get lost in a matter of two minutes. It's very confusing.