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Wat is AutoCAD LT?
AutoCAD LT biedt eenvoudige instructies voor het beheersen van AutoCAD LT-technieken voor tekenen en dimensionering. De tekst presenteert typische toepassingen van AutoCAD LT met zowel basis- als geavanceerde concepten. Produceer 2D-documentatie en tekeningen met een geavanceerde reeks bewerkings- en annotatietools, terwijl je nog steeds de vereenvoudigde en gebruiksvriendelijke instructies van AutoCAD gebruikt.
Wie gebruikt AutoCAD LT?
Architectenbureaus die op zoek zijn naar eenvoudigere manieren om CAD-software te gebruiken
Twijfels over AutoCAD LT?
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Reviews over AutoCAD LT
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
My sketch
Opmerkingen: I've saved a lot of time working with autocad, since I've been using this tool there's a lot more precision in my drawing work, down to the smallest detail.
it's a powerful and highly recommended tool, thanks to its intuitive workspace and time-saving precision controls.
it's a scary tool to use for the first time, because it contains a lot of commands and buttons, and when you're a beginner you need a lot of practice to understand its automation principle.
It's the standard because it's better
Opmerkingen: We have saved a lot of time with AutoCAD LT with the constant use of library functions. The speed of the program is great, it's faster than all the other programs we've used in the past.
AutoCAD LT offers features that other similar alternatives does not offer. It permits to have an extensive library of already drawn items. Instead of copying and pasting from previous drawings, we can draw it once, save it in the library and call on it whenever we like.
With all great things there is usually a cons list, but for now the only con we've seen is the unfortunate trend of companies "forcing" to purchase an annual subscription to the product. Don't get me wrong, Autodesk offers a permanent licence but at a pretty steep cost. It may eventually be cost-effective, but with all the new features, bug fixes and incompatibility issues that arise with every new release, we are "forced" or lured to take the path of an annual subscription. But we are living in 2020, and like in The Mandalorian: "This is the way!".
Drawing program
Opmerkingen: It is an application that I can quickly model an easy 2 dimensional object. I can access this model I designed on the web and mobile.
Provides the opportunity to create 2D drawings with easy-to-use drawing tools; It is software that supports desktop, web and mobile applications. It gives the user the chance to make 2D drawings very quickly.
It cannot perform 3D modeling and visualization processes. It cannot perform the creation of images (render output) with lighting, materials and visual styles.
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
It is worth the price and can be used for low level of detail drawings
Opmerkingen: We had one new employee and we purchased this software for him to help us with basic detail drawings and corrections.
That it can be implemented rapidly and it has just the basic features, enough to do the job.
I consider that 3D models could at least be opened and be viewed.
Free to use read only CAD software
This has been a huge cost saving item for our company. For years we were battling with users opening AutoCAD just to view a CAD drawing (read only) for a few minutes, then closing it. that used up a licence token, which costs us money.
Following quite a large scale roll out of AutoCAD LT, now only the users who need to edit the drawings have access to the AutoCAD - the rest have AutoCAD LT.
To be frank, the best feature of AutoCAD LT is that we can use it for free. Unlike AutoCAD itself, AutoCAD LT (for us at least) does not use up tokens on our flex licencing model. This has been a huge cost saving feature for our company, as many users only required read only access to CAD drawings and files.
The only down side to AutoCAD LT for us is that it still needs to be packaged and rolled out to our users with the licence server details included, even though it does not use any of our licence tokens. This does mean a little extra work for our software packaging team, as if we could just send the users a link to download themselves, that would be easier.