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Platform voor contractbeheer en digitale handtekeningen. INHUBBER biedt ongekende veiligheid en een zeer efficiënte manier om contracten te beheren. De AI haalt de relevante informatie eruit, helpt binnen enkele seconden rapportages te maken, informatie te vinden of te vergelijken.
INHUBBER vereenvoudigt contracten en maakt ze begrijpelijk, interactief, eenvoudig te beheren en geautomatiseerd. Het vermindert de tijd, kosten en risico's die gepaard gaan met het onderhandelen, creëren, goedkeuren en beheren van contracten.
Wie gebruikt INHUBBER?
Grote, midden en kleinbedrijven in verschillende sectoren. Maatwerkoplossingen voor Vastgoed, Bouw, Entertainment, Inkoop en Verkoop.
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Reviews over INHUBBER
Eenvoudig en gebruiksvriendelijk contractbeheer met Inhubber.
Opmerkingen: We hebben het gebruikt om revisieprocessen te stroomlijnen, processen op te zetten voor het snel opstellen van contracten, onderhandelingen, ondertekening, enz. Over het algemeen hebben we de efficiëntie van ons contractbeheer met Inhubber kunnen verhogen.
Inhubber is eenvoudig en gebruiksvriendelijk ontworpen en heeft uitgebreide functionaliteiten. Het maakt een snelle creatie en goedkeuring van contracten mogelijk. Het vereenvoudigt het opstellen, aanpassen, en opslaan van contracten in een toegankelijk format. Over het algemeen heeft het geholpen om onze beoordelingsprocessen te stroomlijnen en de algehele efficiëntie van ons contractbeheer te vergroten.
Aanvankelijk was de overgang van een papieren naar een digitale contractadministratie niet eenvoudig. Inhubber maakt het snel en veilig.

Reliable Solution for trade Documentation
Opmerkingen: "Easy to use and helps streamline export-import document handling."
"It keeps contracts well-organized, which is critical for cross-border payment workflows."
"Customization for niche forex needs could be improved."
Reliable for Contract Organization
Opmerkingen: It has greatly improved how we manage contracts and stay on top of deadlines.
I like how easy it is to track deadlines and access contracts quickly.
Initial data migration takes effort but becomes easier with guidance.
It is a big advantage to have an AI to assist in contract management.
Opmerkingen: It helps our virtual teams to work together on fulfilling our commitments. Automated reminders help to keep track of important deadlines. It makes sure we don't miss any important deadlines. Not to mention that we stay compliant with internal regulations about who has to approve what and who is responsible for key actions.
Inhubber helps me keep track of contracts quickly and efficiently in one place. I can easily search for different versions of contracts whenever I need them. It is a huge advantage to have an AI to help with contract management.
I originally used other contract management software and felt that I did not need it. Since I have been using Inhubber, I have been quite happy with it.
Excellent Tool for Global Marketers
Opmerkingen: A reliable tool for ensuring smooth contract processes with clients worldwide.
Tracking edits and managing international contracts has never been easier.
Some features have a learning curve, especially for new users.
Essential for Managing Orders and Contracts
Opmerkingen: Our workflow has improved significantly, and compliance is now worry-free.
The customizable templates are great for bespoke agreements with clients.
Would love more design flexibility in the dashboard interface.
Simplifies contract management, makes it easy to track client contracts
Opmerkingen: It’s an efficient soft that makes managing contracts straightforward.
The platform makes it easy to track and organize client contracts, saving valuable time.
Learning all the features takes a bit of time initially, but the benefits are worth it.
Document tracking and managing supplier relationships.
Opmerkingen: It supports our retail operations by simplifying contract management, saving us time
The document tracking features make it simple to stay on top of contract renewals and obligations.
The initial customisation of the templates to our retail-specific requirements took longer than expected, but once set up, it runs smoothly.
Simplifies Contract Management
Opmerkingen: It’s been a game-changer for managing operational complexities, leaving more room for innovation.
I love how easy it is to locate and organize contracts. Features like automatic reminders are particularly helpful for tech-driven businesses like ours.
The analytics dashboard feels a bit limited in its scope for tailoring reports to content-driven industries.
Very satisfied with INHUBBER
INHUBBER's QES signature has accelerated the processes enormously. I particularly appreciate the intuitive usability and the secure management of contracts.
I can imagine more individual customisation options for contract design.
Simplifying Medical Equipment Contracts
Opmerkingen: The platform has streamlined our contract management, making our processes more efficient.
Its automated contract reminders prevent delays, ensuring timely service and supply.
The offline accessibility could improve for better reliability in remote settings.
Assinatura digital e gestão de contratos com apenas alguns cliques.
Opmerkingen: A INHUBBER me oferece uma solução intuitiva e fácil de usar para a gestão de contratos. Resolve o problema da gestão de vários contratos ao mesmo tempo e garante que cada documento seja facilmente acessível e possa ser assinado muito rapidamente. O QES é particularmente útil porque elimina a necessidade de papelada física e torna a gestão e as aprovações dos contratos mais eficientes.
O que particularmente me impressiona na INHUBBER é a combinação da assinatura digital e da gestão de contratos num único local de fácil utilização. É uma ferramenta de confiança que me permite gerir os contratos do princípio ao fim. Utilizamos frequentemente a assinatura eletrônica qualificada para assinar contratos com clientes de outros países.
Demorei algum tempo para começar a utilizar também as funções de gestão de contratos. Infelizmente, durante muito tempo, só utilizei o INHUBBER para as assinaturas digitais.
Gestão de contratos com IA e QES
Opmerkingen: A plataforma poupa-me tempo e reduz os erros, assegurando que cada contrato é gerido eficazmente desde a sua criação até à sua assinatura. O QES, em particular, ajuda a simplificar o processo de assinatura e torna-o mais rápido.
A criação de contratos, a análise e, sobretudo, a IA da INHUBBER permitem-me gerir documentos no dia a dia. A interface de utilizador intuitiva permite automatizar as tarefas. O QES da plataforma garante que as assinaturas digitais cumprem as normas legais.
O tempo de adaptação pode ser bastante longo. Na nossa organização, foram necessárias cerca de duas semanas para que todos os empregados pudessem utilizar a INHUBBER em toda a empresa.
Gerenciamento de contratos que praticamente não leva tempo nenhum.
Opmerkingen: O INHUBBER proporciona todas as funcionalidades indispensáveis para que nosso departamento administre contratos de forma eficaz. A integração com o SharePoint, aliada às notificações instantâneas e ao rastreio de assinaturas eletrônicas, garante a sincronia entre todos os envolvidos e otimiza o gerenciamento de contratos por toda a organização.
Para mim, o que realmente se destaca no INHUBBER é a capacidade de gerenciar e assinar contratos diretamente no navegador da web. A plataforma, com um destaque especial para sua inteligência artificial, disponibiliza uma gama de funcionalidades que simplificam o monitoramento de prazos e etapas importantes de clientes internacionais.
É uma solução simples que facilita o trabalho das pessoas que não trabalham frequentemente com contratos, entretanto, acredito que possa ser genérica para determinados tipos de usuários.
Fácil cumplimiento de los términos contractuales de nuestros clientes
Opmerkingen: De hecho, lo utilizamos para algo más que la gestión de contratos. Con su sofisticada gestión de documentos basada en IA, es como una herramienta de asesoramiento jurídico para mí. Garantiza que no se pase por alto ninguna actualización o plazo importante y ayuda a mi equipo a estar al tanto de todos los detalles del contrato.
No solo permite gestionar contratos, sino también garantiza que cada paso que damos se ajusta a lo acordado en los contratos con los clientes. La IA se encarga de todo el trabajo jurídico difícil, lo que nos facilita mantener un repositorio de contratos bien organizado y fácil de usar.
Lo utilizamos principalmente para gestionar contratos de clientes y contratos de nuestra empresa e INHUBBER hace un buen trabajo en mi opinión.
Fácil de personalizar e intuitivo.
Opmerkingen: O painel de controle ajuda a manter todos os contratos e prazos fáceis de encontrar em um lugar só. Os contratos podem ser acessados rápido e facilmente de qualquer lugar.
Foi um começo muito rápido com o Inhubber. O software tem ótimas funcionalidades e, apesar de não usar a maior parte delas, não acho que sejam desnecessárias. A IA ajuda a fazer as coisas rápido. As assinaturas eletrônicas são fáceis de usar e a Inhubber oferece assinaturas básicas e assinaturas QES.
O software é fácil de personalizar e intuitivo, não teve problemas nos últimos dois anos.
Cuanto más utilices la plataforma, más tiempo te ahorrarás.
Opmerkingen: Firmar contratos con clientes internacionales y luego gestionarlos lleva mucho tiempo y no es mi actividad principal. Inhubber me ayuda a ahorrar el tiempo que normalmente se pierde en la gestión de contratos.
La utilizo principalmente para firmar contratos con clientes comerciales. Sin embargo, últimamente también he comenzado a involucrar funciones de IA, como el análisis de contratos. Cuanto más utilizas las funciones de la plataforma, más tiempo ahorras.
A nuestros clientes les gusta y ese es el factor más importante para mí al dar esta reseña aquí.
Gestão e assinatura de contratos facilitada
Opmerkingen: A Inhubber me ajuda a lidar com o caos da gestão de contratos. A IA poupa tempo quando trabalho com contratos de clientes longos. O e-Signatur permite assinar contratos com clientes europeus de forma rápida e em conformidade com a lei. Em suma, a Inhubber torna muito mais fácil trabalhar a partir de casa e com parceiros internacionais.
Gosto particularmente da interface de fácil utilização e da gestão eficiente dos contratos. A possibilidade de gerir e assinar contratos digitalmente é muito útil quando se lida com clientes internacionais.
Não utilizo a maioria das funcionalidades do software, mas acredito que é possível fazer muito mais com a Inhubber.
High efficiency with such a simple tool.
Negotiation, drafting, contract review and risk analysis - all in one simple series of steps. I think it's great that the software is easily usable by anyone.
I guess it's more to do with our organisational structure. However, I would like to have more admin rights for my account.
Inhubber nous permet d'avoir une gestion intelligente de nos contrats.
Opmerkingen: Inhubber contribue à rendre notre gestion des contrats plus efficace. Il permet de faire les choses avec moins d'efforts et il favorise une meilleure collaboration entre les parties aux négociations, en veillant à ce que tout le monde soit sur la même longueur d'onde. Enfin, il automatise le processus de suivi et de gestion des contrats.
Dans notre branche, nous avons besoin d'une gestion des contrats qui soit abordable, facile à utiliser, rapide à mettre en place et qui puisse être personnalisée. Inhubber est un outil formidable pour les entreprises qui cherchent à être rapidement opérationnelles. Il est facile à utiliser et j'aime le fait que je puisse créer mon propre processus à suivre. Le plus intéressant, c'est que l'équipe travaille sans cesse à l'amélioration du système.
Je l'utilise depuis un certain temps et il fonctionne bien. Je n'ai eu aucun problème avec la plateforme jusqu'à présent, donc je ne peux pas me plaindre.
User-friendly and time-saving
Opmerkingen: For us, INHUBBER means intuitive contract management and convenient digital signatures. In fact, it has completely changed the way we manage contracts and documents, allowing us to work faster and safer.
I love the easy and automated contract management and the ability to quickly sign contracts on the go. The digital signature feature is especially handy when I need to sign Excel or zip files, inhubber does it instantly and I think it is a unique feature.
We have a contact email in case there are any problems or questions. I have never used it.
Inhubber keeps us audit ready at any moment.
Opmerkingen: We use it for tracking of deadlines - it helps us to stay on top of things and comply with the regulations. It securely stores all documents in one place, helping us find and access them easily. As organisation that regularly undergoes audits, I find it very useful to be audit-ready at all times.
Top tool to manage all contracts in one place. It keeps all contracts organized and up to date always within the reach. It’s easy to add new contracts, store existing ones, and keep track of deadlines and expiration dates.
I was not in the buying committee, but my colleagues chose a fine software that keeps my work simple.
Getting everyone on the same page when it comes to contract management
Opmerkingen: We use Inubber for contract management. It keeps us up to date with upcoming commitments. With Inhubber it is easy to share responsibilities, sign contracts and monitor progress. It ensures that our contracts are organized and up to date in one place.
It keeps everyone on the same page when it comes to contract management. You can easily and securely share documents, assign tasks and responsibilities, comment on drafts and monitor progress - all in one place.
I only manage a few contracts on a regular basis and Inhubber makes it very easy.
En termes de gestion des contrats et de signatures numériques, c'est un véritable atout.
Inhubber nous a énormément aidés, non seulement en termes de gestion des contrats, mais aussi en ce qui concerne notre signature numérique. Il est facile d'envoyer et de recevoir des contrats. Mes collègues et moi-même avons tous accès aux documents et pouvons facilement envoyer des commentaires, des réactions et signer des documents sans avoir à les imprimer, les scanner et les envoyer par courriel.
C'est une question difficile. Il a tout ce dont j'ai besoin: il est fiable et facile à utiliser.
Opmerkingen: Inhubberは、組織立って契約書を作成、管理するのに役立っています。仕事を始める前に、必要な承認がすべて得られていることが確認できます。また、契約を結んだ後もその状況を追跡し、重要な出来事を通知してくれるプラットフォームです。