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ManageEngine Device Control Plus
Wat is ManageEngine Device Control Plus?
- moeiteloos alle USB- en randapparatuur bedienen, blokkeren en bewaken;
- gegevensverlies door ongeautoriseerde gegevensoverdracht voorkomen;
- toegangscontrole instellen om onbevoegde toegang te voorkomen.
Krijg je werk snel gedaan door tijdelijke toegang te verlenen tot apparaten van derden
wanneer dat nodig is.
Maak een lijst met vertrouwde apparaten en machtig specifieke apparaten om veilig toegang tot jouw
computer te krijgen.
Wie gebruikt ManageEngine Device Control Plus?
Financiële diensten, telecommunicatiediensten, gezondheidszorg, industriële diensten, overheid en technische diensten.
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ManageEngine Device Control Plus
Reviews over ManageEngine Device Control Plus

Admin Friendly
this provides comprehensive device control and allows me to control the use of USB devices, printers, scanners, and other peripheral devices. It also provides me granular control over the use of these devices, including read-only access, blocking access, and allowing access with restrictions.Easy-to-use interface: The dashboard provides a real-time view of all connected devices and their status, which makes it easy for me to identify and remediate security risks.
there are a steep learning curve involved and limited customization options throughout the software.Deployment Complexity
ManageEngine device management tool.
Opmerkingen: Easy and intuitive tool sets with great reporting facilities.
Web base management & rich full of features, menu is well defined and easy to navigate.
Can take some time to familiarize with the system toolsets.
Great Control of USB Devices
Opmerkingen: It's a great piece of kit, we've been trialing it for less than 12 months, so it's free up to a specific amount of devices. The reason is due to not having enough time at current within our small IT department to put together a more specific policy which would impact the business less without causing ourselves a higher amount of work from users requesting access to X, Y and Z. But the software has been easy to use and has so far been great.
The ability to manage what USB devices we allow to be accessed when inserted into one of our machines. This has stopped users using memory sticks which haven't been checked over by ourselves in IT, to ensure the stick hasn't been given to them from a third party and then plugged into our machines which could affect our network. However with our specific memory sticks, it allows us to be sure what is given out is secure. Also the ability to control what type of device is allowed - microphones, webcams, mice and keyboards etc. This has allowed us to stop users being able to access their mobile phone storage SD cards, however keeping the charging function when plugged in.
It would have been great to have a list of devices which we could add to the blacklist, prior to making the policy live. This would allow us to allow all specific types of devices except X, Y and Z. Otherwise it needs to be set as block all, and then the user can request for their device to be whitelisted. Or when a device is plugged in, the software then detects that piece of hardware and adds it to the list. Even if it was a default list of many different vendors.

Great software for MDR
Opmerkingen: We had different issues that were solved with Device Control Plus. We were under the strict compliance and Device Control helped us with that issues.
The best options personally for me: Temporary access for contractorsRemote controlFile access
UI and Self-service portal are not user friendly
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
Can be controlled in flexible way and multiple
Doesn’t need to block portable exe files
User Friendly product
GUI looks good Naming is simple to understand
Many Options which took time Need improvement