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Wat is Correct.email?
Breng je e-mailmarketing naar het volgende niveau.
Werk alleen samen met echte klanten en behaal betere resultaten.
Met de Email Checker kun je je e-maillijsten schoon en gezond houden.
Heb je een oude lijst met verouderde e-mailadressen?
Weigert je ESP je lijstupload?
Ontdoe je van waardeloze e-mails en concentreer je op je echte klanten.
Met Form Defender verzamel je alleen gebruikers die je in je database wilt hebben.
Gebruik ook deze andere gratis tools: URL Shortener, IP Blacklist Checker.
Wie gebruikt Correct.email?
Gebruik jij e-mailadressen om met je klanten te communiceren? Eigenaars van online winkels, blogs, forums, informatieportalen, e-mailmarketeers behalen gewoon betere resultaten met deze tools.
Twijfels over Correct.email?
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Reviews over Correct.email
Ease to use
Easy to use and register. One can easily search for useful needs.
Waiting to look after it by using it throughly.
Improved email deliverability
I have a large email list on feedburner which I started back in 2009. My list had a lot of e-mail addresses which were no longer active. Until recently I had no idea about invalid e-mails having an impact on email deliverability. Correct.email found A LOT of invalid email addresses. The bounce rate had dropped and I noticed an increase on the number of emails that were actually opened. Statistics on my February campaign had only a 0.06% bounce rate with 19.04% emails opened. If I compare these results with January 2019 (before the correct-email removed invalid email addresses) 15.21% were opened and 5.99% Bounced.
I am not sure yet, so far I liked just about everything.
Clean Email Lists and Categories
Opmerkingen: This program and website does it's job. I was looking for a program that would allow me to upload my email list or forms to check it. This did it. I like how there isn't a lot of confusing buttons or loads of wording on the website page. It's simple and I can understand. This doesn't take a long time to set up and everything is together.
This is a simple website. I always love simple sites. I like how I am able to give my email list or upload my lists for cleaning. There are sites that do this, but this site does it fast. There is also a panel where you can see the list. This can help you see the lists clearly and in order. The list I upload can be downloaded. I haven't seen another one that can do this. I love how I can set up my profile and there are options that change a few things in my profile if needed.
I dislike the pricing, but it's still a bit affordable. The form defender area needs a bit more options. It has a few, but I like to be able to control more areas of my forms. This would be helpful and easier.