Wij helpen bedrijven al 18 jaar
betere software te kiezen
Wat is Zylo?
Zylo, het grootste onafhankelijke SaaS-beheerplatform voor ondernemingen, transformeert de manier waarop bedrijven hun SaaS-toepassingsportfolio's beheren. Door middel van een SaaS-discoverymethode (octrooi aangevraagd) creëert Zylo transparantie over SaaS-uitgaven, eigendom, licentiegebruik en gebruikersfeedback. Het SaaS-beheerplatform van Zylo biedt een gecentraliseerd registratiesysteem waarmee bedrijfsleiders hun SaaS-investeringen volledig kunnen beheren, meten en optimaliseren.
Wie gebruikt Zylo?
Zylo is ontworpen om SaaS-forward middelgrote bedrijven en ondernemingen te helpen bij het ontdekken, beheren en optimaliseren van hun toepassingen binnen één dashboard voor uitgaven, licentiegebruik en feedback.
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Reviews over Zylo
Compiling All SAAS Subscriptions in One Place
I had never seen a use for something like Zylo until we recently implemented it at our company. Zylo takes all of your SAAS products and compiles them into one nice dashboard so you can easily see all active users, contracts, the amount spent, etc. We almost immediately noticed the number of active contracts we had with Linkedin and realized how much money was being wasted on inactive licenses.
I wish they could provide this same service for non-SAAS products. Other than that I have no complaints
Zylo Software
Opmerkingen: Zylo is an up-and-coming software that I believe will be hugely beneficial to a lot of businesses in the future. This software is only going to get better and it is already good.
I love how you can setup reminder emails that tell you what software is coming up for renewal. Setting up reminders well in advance of renewal helps us stay on top of our negotiations and allows us to have strategic conversations ahead of time.
Everything has to be done through Okta. If employees log in to different tools outside of Okta then Zylo won't register these statistics.
ZYLO Review
Opmerkingen: Awesome idea and can be a very valuable tool once the information is validated and accurate.
We are very new to the tool, but there is a lot of very useful functionality; contract dates, amounts, departments, etc. It is a quick, easy way to get important information related to a software.
Again, we are new to the software, but it seems like there is a lot of manually data scrubbing to ensure the information is valid.
Great Software Usage Tool
Opmerkingen: Zylo will help ensure that we are getting value from the software subscriptions we have as a company and will let us adjust future contracts based off actual usage.
The concept of Zylo is amazing. You have the ability to track the "stats" of your software such as contract terms, value, number of licenses, etc. One of the best parts is you can also track the usage of the software licenses to see how subscriptions are being used.
There is a heavy reliance of usage being derived from Okta so softwares not compatible with Okta are not as easily tracked.