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Wat is Centrical?
Het holistische betrokkenheidsplatform van GamEffective stimuleert de prestaties van werknemers in Fortune 500-bedrijven over de hele wereld. Met behulp van geautomatiseerde, gegevensgestuurde feedback, gepersonaliseerde doelen, coaching en gamification regisseert en optimaliseert het platform de dialoog tussen werknemers en managers over prestaties, doelen en kennishiaten. GamEffective stimuleert je personeel tot een hogere betrokkenheid, betere focus en kortere leercurve en biedt elke werknemer de motivatie en kennis die ze nodig hebben om succesvol te worden.
Wie gebruikt Centrical?
Klanten zijn mondiaal toonaangevende bedrijven, waaronder Microsoft, Citi, Yahoo en Singtel. Dit product ondersteunt elk bedrijf dat zijn HR-processen wil innoveren, prestaties wil verbeteren, en leerprocessen optimaal wil stimuleren.
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Reviews over Centrical
Smooth performance management
Opmerkingen: Very good experience with a great company. I suggest to use the software in all the environment where production performance have to be monitored and shared real-time with the agents
My company implemented the software as a stream of a performance management program (I was in the project management team). I have found very good professionals from GamEffective side that helped us configure and customize the tool with great availability. The tool is smooth and allows our people to monitor their production performance
Interface is sometimes "too minimal". That is not always good, since it seems quite reductive in some cases
An effective and easy-to-use tool
- Our onboarding was flawless and supported by a great agent from GE to show us how we can adapt the software - Easy-to-use and actually engaging for our sales team - We ran already a couple of successful trainings with stronger results than usually
Interface could have some more functionalities, e.g. a modular approach to show less (for better intuitiveness) or more (for the full picture) information.
Lives up to its promise
We worked with GE on our call center getting our agents to learn a new product line.
Their customer success team is amazing and helped us get up and running in under 4 weeks. Their content experts were very professional and helped us with best practices on making our training more approachable, cutting it down to a series of short sessions so it could be learned by agents on the job while doing their daily tasks. After this success we implemented their product across our sales teams also and they've been loving the platform. This is really a product that makes an impact
Great analytics Integrates seamlessly with salesforce and Zendesk Really drives performance
Graphics are a little outdated
An effective tool that truly engages employees
Opmerkingen: Gameffective's platform brought a new spirit and really changed the oldschool training in our company. We wanted to freshen up our learning materials and find interesting ways to train new employees, so we reached out to Gameffective about their learning solution. I was surprised to see how much our employees loved the platform and how motivated they were to pass the training. Gameffective's team has always been there for us, up for new ideas and happy to answer question or solve problems if necessary.
Great knowledge embedding and learning tool
It does what it sets out to do - gamification of learning. It drove a behaviour change due to points being assigned to learning and application of skills.
It can be inconsistent with reliability. This occurs when using it for a module - the app doesn’t display the information or a video correctly. Causes you to close and reopen the app