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Symantec Ghost Solution Suite
Wat is Symantec Ghost Solution Suite?
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite is een bekroonde software-oplossing voor beeldvorming en implementatie van desktops, laptops, tablets en servers. Ghost Solution Suite 3.1 bevat de 6.9-console van de implementatieoplossing en de kernmogelijkheden voor implementatie, migratie en platformonafhankelijk beheer van besturingssystemen. In combinatie met de belangrijkste functionaliteiten van Ghost Solution Suite 2.5, zoals Ghost Cast Server en DeployAnywhere, versnelt en vereenvoudigt Ghost Solution Suite de beeldvorming en implementatie.
Wie gebruikt Symantec Ghost Solution Suite?
IT-serviceoplossing die bedrijven van elke omvang helpt met bare-metal implementatie, geautomatiseerde taakuitvoering en -sequencing, schijfweergave, apparaattoewijzing en meer.
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Symantec Ghost Solution Suite
Reviews over Symantec Ghost Solution Suite

Symantec Ghost
Opmerkingen: Overall this is a really good solution for disk imaging and restoration.
This is a real-time server, this can do os/disk imaging and restoration really fast. disk to disk clone is also really good and this really helps full if you are doing large-scale disk cloning. currently I'm using this solution to take my company PC backups.
No failures/troubles still got using this application.
Symantec Ghost Review
Opmerkingen: As an end user, Symantec Ghost Solution Suite was easy to use and simple. Although I wasn't involved in deployment, I had used the application almost every day to image new or old machines. From my perspective, it was easy and simple. That made it effective for new hires to quickly catch on as well.
Very easy to use from an end user perspective Simple interface that allows for a lot of functionality
Our deployment and management team seemed to have trouble with upgrades. However I cannot speak on behalf of them as I was not involved on that project. Updates took a while
Clone and Go - Perfect
Opmerkingen: I wasn't in love with it. I looked forward to our change over to another product.
If you are looking for a product that can clone a machine and then put that image back down on a plethora of other machines this works great. But, if you want customization this isn't for you.
It doesn't allow for a custom deployment task sequence. (At least the version we were using didn't.) If there were things that required to be installed on a per machine basis we had to either do those by hand after it finished cloning or we had to use another deployment tool after the fact to distribute the software/customizations to the machines
A backup solution suite
Symantec Ghost allows you to create system images through guided wizards, that greatly speeds up the backup process, and the deploying process as well
I remember using a version (not the last one though as I recently switched to another solution) and it caused some compatibility problems on my machines, and it also appeared quite a heavy software to me

For prepare many PCs in little time with low personal this software is a winner
I use Ghost since winXP, in my lab have 5 PCs identical and each time that begin to malfunction only backup data and put the image store. Very easy to manage and use, many and variate options.
I don't have problems with my few PCs, no compatibility inconsistencies , for now. A little problems will arise if you no have knowledge about configuration of your LAN.
Great for imaging laptops/desktops with images built
Simple to use to flash images created to machines with ease of use, load drivers on the go with each image.
Confusing at times with outdated interface, support is tough at times depending on the issue and if they re willing to troubleshoot outside of the product
Great for disk duplication!
I use this mostly to duplicate hard drives that are failing. It's important that we get a good copy so that we don't lose our client's data and Ghost let's us do just that!
There is really nothing negative I can say. Another great product from Symantec!
Best way to backup and deploy
I've used Ghose suite for taking backups and deploying over on a network. Its a great tool for system administrators.
The UI for this tool needs improvement when compared to its competitors. Basic tutorials on how to use the tools should be present for helping novice users.
Imaging software
Opmerkingen: We used to have this solution in our company but was replaced with a more efficient one
You can deploy windows images faster than running installation drives one by one on each PC
It is not that fast if compared with other Softwares. PXE imaging is supported but gives trouble to set ip up

Symantec Ghost Review
I liked that it simply worked. I was able to load my image, and deploy to countless machines simultaneously.
I don't recall having ever having an issue with this product. The issues were always related to my machines.
Ghost software
Opmerkingen: I have used the Ghost software for only the basics. I used the main software to create the boot discs or USB drives needed to boot a machine and auto-start the Ghost software. Once a computer is booted into Ghost, an complete image of the hard drive may be captured (by volume, by drive, can be spanned over multiple media devices if needed, etc). I often use Ghost to simply verify the integrity of a hard drive. When you boot into the ghost software, you can do a "disk check" which basically verifies that an image may be accurately acquired. If an image may be acquired, this tells me that the health of the hard drive is reasonable stable. Ghost software does far more than just this, but this is the primary function that I use it for.
What I like most about this software is that it works on all computers both old (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8) and new (Windows 10). The very basics of capturing an NTFS image just haven't changes over the years so that this software still does very well what it was designed to do (in terms of basic capturing of an image and re-deploying that image to a hard drive that is an identical model).
What I like least about this software is just the lack of support if/when needed. If there is a problem, the best help resource available is online articles. But, it is next to impossible to get anyone on the phone who will provide specific assistance. Fortunately, the software is so straight-forward, that I have rarely needed support.
Best cloning software
Opmerkingen: I have been using ghost for most of my career ..A+++
I find the speed of cloning and the accuracy is excellent
Updates ..you have to go look for them. Sometimes the updates dont install correctly but tech help is very easy to reach
Symantec Ghost solution solutions never end
Opmerkingen: If you work in the Support department of the IT department, installing this operating system on the machine is problematic and no one can handle it quickly. But thanks to this application you can easily realize everything you dream, you can serialize the operating system to set up.
The best image application for unicast or multicast.
Some concepts may be difficult for beginner users.
Symantec Ghost
Opmerkingen: We have used it for automated system rollouts and its a cost and time saver
We use ghost for all of our corporate imaging needs, it makes computer deployment a breeze with a click of a button..
Ghost does not have any cons. Its a time saver and always just works for all of out imaging needs
One person can setup 100 PCs at the same time in 10 minutes using Symantec Ghost!
Opmerkingen: In the past I worked in a university where classroom PCs needed to be refreshed after every course, that means wiping the drives clean, reinstalling the operating system, drivers, updates, applications, and configuring everything to be the same as the other PCs in the classroom. As you can imagine that process takes several hours to do just 1 PC but with Symantec Ghost I can create a baseline image in a few minutes and push that image to the PCs I want simultaneously and the whole process just takes about 10 minutes (your mileage may vary depending on your network speed, number of PCs, size of image, etc.). Symantec Ghost Solution Suite provides several tools to manage the above tasks such as the Ghost Server, Ghost client boot media, Ghost Explorer to view and edit image files without having to rebuild them. Once you understand the concept of multicasting, the software is pretty straightforward to use: Create an image of your baseline PC, Create bootable CDs, discs, or USB sticks for your client PCs you want to image, start a Ghost multicast session on the Ghost server and give it the image file you want to push, boot the client PCs to the session you created and sit back and watch 10 or 100s of PCs get all their needed software in a few minutes.
Speed, support for wide variety of hardware, wizards make even complex tasks easy to master.
Requires a good understanding of TCP/IP and networking fundamentals to use effectively.
Ghost is a timesaver
Opmerkingen: Symantec Ghost Solution Suite is well suited for larger environments. It helps to manage the mass of computers we use. I find Ghost most helpful with standard hardware model computers.
A large advantage is saving time on arranging or recall all the custom setting you may require. Ghost Solution saved the setting arrangements in the picture, saving you long periods of manual setups. Ghost saves significant time by imaging another PC instead of having to arrangement new or existing PCs without any preparation.
BIOS should be reconfigured some of the time if a heritage boot isn't being utilized when network booting for reimaging. Ghost has pressure to decrease the size of the picture, however when you need to store every one of the drivers inside the picture it expands the complete size of the picture you need to oversee.

Symantec Ghost
Opmerkingen: We used Symantec Ghost on our computers we had at college both in the labs and throughout the public locations on campus. Using Ghost greatly simplified the setup and maintenance of public use computers. The suite made it fairly easy to update the various images for the different computers we maintained as well and allowed us to deploy images en' mass over the network. The initial setup of the system and server was a bit complicated, but once that portion was complete, using the suite was straightforward. For lab management, or public computers that need to be maintained regardless of who uses them, I would recommend looking into Symantec Ghost Suite.
Symantec Ghost is a great way to create standard image files.
I found Symantec Ghost very simple to use. We utilized it to create a clone of a standard desktop or laptop image. We then utilized these images for all of our PCs.
I don't recall having any issues with the Symantec Ghost software. We utilized the basic cloning/iso feature.
Opmerkingen: I liked it while using it, but we no longer utilize it.
Great way to quickly prep out of box systems for company deployment, loaded with all of the software required. A big time time saver.
The updated version was difficult to use. Imaging multiple systems simultaneously degraded network performance
Windows migration
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite is quite good for imaging and distributing Windows. The system works very well in large environments.
Driver installation is relatively poorly automated. The system is relatively difficult to handle at the beginning.
Client Management
End-to-end client migration operating system settings, application data/settings, user data/settings.
Automated replication of tasks, images, configurations, packages, policies, and software compliance.

Great Ghost Solution
We use Symantec's Ghost suite for all of our new machine deployments. We have a system set up that when we plug in a new machine, we navigate to map-able drive and within one click it's blasting on our ghosted image. Very convenient and quick.
Not as user friendly as it can be, but it's pretty understandable given the boot environment we typically use it in.
"Ghosting" HDD for PCs
I like the graphical interface of the product including it's bootable one, also the drive image capabilities are pretty successful from my perspective and is doing the job.
The product offer tiring advanced option menu which contains too much information for the average user dispite some of these features might be relevant, also, the copying process is not 100% and might miss some files, maybe due to the technology it leans on.
Makes it d so easy to deploy our images
I've used Ghost since the early days when it was command line. Now, with it's advanced deployment tools. Ghost is an incredible product. Very easy to use.
I don't have any complaints about this product

One of the best imaging software
This was the first imaging tool i learned to use. I love it
Its a little complicated at first but after using it for awhile, its a great program