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Survey Solutions
Wat is Survey Solutions?
Survey Solutions combineert gebruiksvriendelijke snelle vragenlijstontwikkeling en krachtige managementtools voor complexe CAPI/CAWI met weinig of geen programmering zonder enige kosten en zonder connectiviteit tijdens interviews. Gegevens kunnen direct na synchronisatie worden beoordeeld. Ingebouwde rapportages bevatten voortgang, status en kaarten. Cases kunnen opnieuw worden toegewezen en interviewers kunnen de taal direct veranderen. Het is een duurzame oplossing voor grootschalige enquêtes die krachtige managementtools combineren met eenvoudige implementatie.
Wie gebruikt Survey Solutions?
Nationale bureaus voor de statistiek en particuliere en openbare onderzoeksorganisaties wereldwijd.
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Survey Solutions
Reviews over Survey Solutions

Easy to use, cost effective and user friendly
Opmerkingen: architect: extremely all around composed interface, quick to make and refresh extensive polls, a considerable measure quicker than in other programming bundles - complex yet straightforward: a consistently developing rundown of reason custom-made survey segments and the punctuation make the section limit to building complex surveys structures extremely low, no compelling reason to thoroughly consider complex circles or tinker with identifiers - coordinated effort: capacity to at the same time work in a similar poll is awesome for joint effort crosswise over nations, exceptionally valuable amid configuration stage - client and information base, documentation: the help site and open polls are an extraordinary method to learn usefulness, find arrangements and gain from different encounters. All around composed standard areas like family part and utilization that you can reorder into your poll. Additionally, there is an abundance of top notch documentation. - questioner interface: natural plan, simple route inside the survey, and non-authorizing delicate checks. You can prepare field laborers specifically in Survey Solutions, no paper required. - remarking capacity incredible for giving and getting criticism from the field - paradata: the accessible para information is an extraordinary apparatus to screen the talking procedure. One can extricate talk with length and span, talking with speed, working hours, and so on
Study Solutions has lured me by its adaptability, its strength and its overviews administration stage which is extremely easy to understand, rich and down to earth. It adjusts to client inclinations with month to month refreshes. What intrigues me most about Survey Solutions is its simplicity of learning. Easy to learn one doesn't should be a specialist in programming to outline polls on Survey Solutions. Moreover, great documentation and test poll formats are accessible to enable clients to take a snappy hand of Survey Solutions
Study Solutions offers obviously numerous focal points. For me, this is really the best CAPI application that exists. On the off chance that there is something that ought to be enhanced, it is the accessibility of documentation in French. For sure, almost no guide in French exists. What's more, the Designer, the instrument for outlining the surveys is to a great extent in English, which does not profit the french-talking.
My Experience Using Survey Solutions
Data important and export features works well I like that we can customize the already existing templates There are great analytics and reporting features Survey Solutions is easy to use.
Survey Solutions is powerful and hasn't failed us.
Survey solutions is a user friendly easy to use platform to design surveys
Opmerkingen: Coding the survey is easier and more intuitive. The tester is a great tool to speed up the process.
Easy to use (add sections, questions, validations), nice interface and each new feature is quite intuitive to pick up
Updates are too frequent and sometimes interfere with the data collection activities already in the field

Very powerful platform for building and manage surveys. I have learned to use it in very short time.
Opmerkingen: Enhance the skills of design the surveys for official statistics.
I like because is easy to install, to configure and to admin. Also, is very easy to use it, in respect of build complex questionnaires. Collaborative work is very important nowadays and Survey Solutions allows this feature. For designing the questionnaires are not necessary high knowledge of programming or web design. Everything is possible just with the mouse and light keyboard intervention. The possibility of using API in monitoring and admin of the platform is an important step forward to automatization the processes. For complex conditional questions you can use C#, but the basic logical conditions are enough, in general. So, in one platform you will have the CAPI, CATI and CAWI of surveys. Using the GPS capabilities of mobile devices you can have the possibility of geocode the responses in a very easy and intuitive way. The reports tools are included, but most important is that you can create customized reports by using the paradata. Without modesty, I could say that the Survey Solutions platform will become the standard for high quality surveys in the coming years. Together with R and Python, Survey Solutions will increase the capabilities of National Statistics Offices to build "in house" very powerful surveys, with low costs and time bound.
It is to easy to use and the speed of developing new features is very high. The speed of maintaining the updates into the support materials should be the same.

Excellent CAI solution featuring one of the best user interfaces for interviewers I have seen.
Opmerkingen: It provides a reliable computer assisted interviewing platform, that has a very low entry threshold into development and a very steep learning curve. It has provided me with a means to capture very complex survey questionnaires and implement them in challenging environment with poor internet connectivity.
Excellent interviewer interface; Very strong facility for dealing with complex rosters; Very low threshold into questionnaire development, while allowing for full power of C# in validation functions; Collaborative questionnaire development environment; It's free; Features free and fully supported cloud central database capture facility; Very strong support to data management on the server side;
My cons are not so cons as they are a wishlist of functionality that would make this software even better. Lacking field supervisor app to manage the interviews locally while in the field and with no internet access; Inflexibility in using stored data to support the interviewing while maintaining the flexible allocation of interviews; Lack of question database support (neither public nor private); Lack of CATI functionality

I have used Survey solution in household and agriculture surveys in many countries in Africa
1. Reduced cost for the programmers. I can program my questionnaire now
2. minimizes data error. The validation and enabling conditions are helpful in minimizing data errors from the field.
3. The software has also survey management tool and this helped me to follow up data collection progresses remotely with out travelling to the field.
4. encourages team work. multiple people can program the CAPI at the same time on the same questionnaire
5. Responsibility of each team member is clearly defined.
Simple to program Makes life easy for survey management easy to export data user friendly and not complicated for non programmers and field workers free of cost
Highly dependence on Internet connection Need for offline programing and data backup (specially in some African countries the internet infrastructure is poor)

Excellent free survey tool with free hosting and great support
Opmerkingen: Thanks to survey solutions we have been able to convert a Fijian village household survey originally designed as a pen and paper interview to be performed using smartphones and tablets with minimal internet. The free hosting of the server also means we are not limited by the total lack of infrastructure in this area of the country.
The significant amount of functionality available in the whole survey solutions ecosystem, all available at no cost. Ease of questionnaire design with validation and skip logic Free hosting of the survey server and the ability to do a local server if desired. Ability to do the surveys offline in areas that do not have internet connectivity. Great user interface for the interview and tester applications to ensure the survey process is as easy as possible Multiple language setup is not hard and enables seamless switching between languages in both the application and web interface. Fantastic support responsiveness. The youtube designer videos were very useful.
There is no inbuilt data analysis. The formats available for export are not easy to use without either paid software or significant development time. Any changes to the survey, no matter how small (even translation or question tweak) will update the interview version, meaning the user must either export interviews performed with both versions and somehow externally merge them or else run with a suboptimal questionnaire to avoid this issue.

My experience with survey solution has been very interesting. I hugely rely on this application.
The scripting flexibility, making it easy for someone who has no background knowledge of computer programming to script and upload questionnaire on the application. I am also very excited about the supervisory role (Accepting and Rejecting of Interviews), which ensures the data that is sent to the headquarter is of good quality. Ability to restrict interviewers to the number of interviews you actually want to do per sector or enumeration. It also interests me to know that I can actually sit in a spot and monitor what is being on the field at the real time. Finally ability to download/export data in SPSS and STATA format
1. The use of the internet to design questionnaire 2. Inability to download questions designed on rostering and those without rostering in a single data file
Reactie World Bank Group
7 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review! There are ways of including roster variables in the same data file as single variables, generally by giving each occurrence of the roster variables individual names (such as age_01, gender_01, educ_01..., age_02, gender_02, educ_02, and so on). Most analysts find this arrangement more cumbersome than merging the 2 files.

excellent free solution that provides transparency during data collection
Opmerkingen: This product provides my organization with a FREE tool we can use with partners around the world with varying degrees of experience conducting CAPI surveys. I hope Survey Solutions sparks a drive toward standardization in features of CAPI software, to improve the quality of data collected in international surveys.
- Easy to implement with organizations new to CAPI data collection - Great support from the WB Survey Solutions team -The Survey Solutions Designer takes the 'mystery' out of survey programming and makes this a feasible task for those without a significant programming background. - User friendly interface that is easy for interviewers to learn and use. - Easy to test and update questionnaires - Easy to review cases from multiple levels using multiple metrics at the same time. (i.e. supervisor reviews individual cases in the field and headquarters runs a report looking at aggregate data.) - The map report. Clients really like this feature! - Data export files in multiple formats. The files are clean and ready to use. - It's FREE and available to researchers worldwide
- format of paradata output is somewhat cumbersome, and not as easy to work with as the response data output.

I have been using this for over a year. It really help us in creating a full scale survey.
It is very reliable and very easy to use, the designer application is very simple and easy, yet it is so powerful to create sophisticated survey. I have use most of the it's features.
If it is possible to have a confirmation or approval from Admin before user change device/tab. Because sometimes user has not synchronize before they change the device.
Survey Solutions is very user friendly and fun platform to build and design our Questionnaires.
Opmerkingen: Cost saving and ease of use.
The Questionnaire designer is easy to use and very flexible. It caters for most of our business needs with constant enhancements and improvements being added. The API is also freely available to allow Business specific development. The Headquarters software is also very easy to use with limited but very helpful reports. Synchronization to and from the tablets is also very quick and seamless.
Locating Assignments/Interviews in the Headquarters software sometimes proves to be a bit challenging. Also not easy to remove Interviews from the Headquarters software after it has been approved by Headquarters agents and as a result the list of Interviews that is displayed to the Headquarters agents grow drastically.
Its been a great experience
-Decreased data processing time
-Decreased time for questionnaire design
- Easy to train users
-User friendly system
Flexibility of questionnaire design,ability to have multiple people design the same questionnaire and easy to use
Changing versions even when you make a small update,changing data types even when original variable was not adjusted but the version changed
Have used survey solutions since 2016 in six demanding surveys. Helped us a lot.
The designer is flexible and capable of designing complex questionnaires with many options for programming for precise in-field data entry, saving the time usually spent on double blind data entry and data cleaning in PAPI versions. Initial support was great and very responsive.
The app is just great for social scientists with basic knowledge in writing codes. To use more advanced features a higher level of technical training in basic programming is advisable. Initial support was highly responsive, professional and friendly, compensating to some extent for a lack of technical training. This changed to some extent, however, since support requests are directed to the public support discussion group. Some support staff seems slightly impatient with questions posed by people with limited technical experience.
Reactie World Bank Group
7 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review!
As a survey consultant I have used Survey Solutions in several cases, mostly in African countries.
The benefits I'm looking for are not for me but for my clients using it to conduct a survey.
What I feel they are getting from using Survey Solutions, is the guarantee of a successful survey, full stop.
It is very solid, making it almost impossible to lose any work. It is very comprehensive, allowing the creation of elegant, precise and secure questionnaires. It allows validation of answers to a degree that makes subsequent data cleaning virtually redundant. The survey management functionality guarantees pretty complete control over the survey at all times. Oh, and not to forget the continuous evolution of the system, with the addition of new functionality on an almost monthly basis...
In some cases I would like more extensibility, e.g. the possibility to add C# functions to implement more sophisticated validations and controls. That said, it is quite impressive how much one can do already using C# expressions which are supported for validation and flow control.
The best experience ever in data collection! Very efficient in cutting out enumeration errors!
Efficient Reduces total cost of survey Real game-changer in the industry! Makes data collection fun Helps eliminate errors that are caused by passive data recording Gives the researcher control over the data collection process
Lack of a real-time dedicated technical support in questionnaire vetting and during data collection. variables generated during data export should be more specific...
10/10 all round
Very easy to use in terms of both designing the questionnaire and using the data that it produces. The support is very responsive, and obviously the fact that it's completely free is amazing.
We had some issues with the software working slowly on some of the tablets that we were using, but we spoke to the support team who helped us to fix the issue immediately.
We have used Surey Solutions in remote areas in developing countries.
Survey Solutions is obviously designed and programmed by people who are familiar with the specifics of conducting household surveys in a development country context. The combination of the easy-to-use desginer to the powerful headquarter make it easy to train new people in the use of the system and manage large surveys with high logistitical and data quality demands. The little programming knowledge that is needed is easy to learn.
There isn't much that I don't like about the system. It's easy to use yet powerful and well-structured.
Reactie World Bank Group
8 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review!
A great software with excellent support team. Easy to manage surveys and a good version control .
1.user friendly designer software supporting many question types 2.A flexible roster feature and the entire logic/rules capability to suit the needs of every user 3.examine the surveys and even send them back to device before submission into the server 4.excellent data export functionality 5.great support from the team
1.no way to export the designer form to a database schema - the designer can be exploited for more functionalities 2.few data export formats - excel and csv formats have more users 3.
Reactie World Bank Group
8 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review! The questionnaire can be exported to DDI on the data export page, if that helps. There is also a data API that enables access to the data so managers can evaluate aggregated data on a customized bases.
Used Survey Solutions in remote parts of Tanzania and Kenya for 3 surveys. Superior product!
Easy to do multi-language surveys Can do household rosters just as easily as paper Skip logic works well Free
Need to ask World Bank team to set up server space, which they do promptly. All the features mean the learning curve is steeper than ODK, QuickTapSurvey, and KoBoToolbox (but also more powerful)
Gives on the flexibility needed in navigating during scripting
Very user friendly and with a few instruction one is able to come to terms with how to maneuver. And especially developing the survey tool, testing can actually be almost simultaneous and feed back real time
The only challenge is the crash that may occur during use. The app also runs effectively on certain preferred devices types and models, this may not be encourage low budget data collection to consider it.
Reactie World Bank Group
7 jaar geleden
We have not experienced any crashes while using Survey Solutions! Please contact [email protected] for help with this issue.
Easy and versatile CAPI software
Opmerkingen: Survey Solutions helps streamline the process from questionnaire design to data collection in one, handy tool and provides excellent and responsive customer support
Survey Solutions is free to use with very proactive customer support and many great features that enrich this CAPI tool. The headquarter interface is especially useful for monitoring progress and constantly reviewing data quality.
The software is constantly being improved, but it comes with some growing pains. At times, certain features (GPS recording in one instance) were not working well, and correction to questionaires can only be made by sending it back to the enumerator, instead of on the website.
Reactie World Bank Group
7 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review!
great survey experience with Survey Solutions
Opmerkingen: Successful implementation of China Urban Labor Survey.
a. powerful questionnaire design; b. offline survey; c. quick support; d. great apps; e. web interview;
a. lack of app for iOS system; b. customization of web interface; c. lack of supervisor app; d. no documentation on API;
Reactie World Bank Group
7 jaar geleden
Thank you for your review!
Quite User-friendly.
A well developed software that can serve the purpose of most surveys. User-friendly, reporting features are superb, overall quality of the software is great.
Detailed installation procedures not available for local servers. Connecting to designer to download questionnaire to locally installed Headquarters requires provision of the institution's server name and IP address to survey solutions support team, Why?
Survey Solutions
Very easy to learn and use. The coding part is not that complex. This is a total solution for implementing small to large scale surveys.
Some bugs on the Interviewer app during synchronization (solved thru update)

We have received a reliable and a free tool to conduct surveys using tables, which works perfectly reg
Very convenience and user-friendly interface Logistical structure of roles and functions Easy to learn; smooth performance. Includes all functionality required for conducting a survey Data import for various formats Excellent desk support team
We would like to have full documentation