Wij helpen bedrijven al 17 jaar
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Wat is Webfleet?
60.000 klanten van Bridgestone Webfleet verbeteren de efficiëntie, verlagen de kosten van mobiele werknemers en de aansprakelijkheid met gps-tracking van voertuigen, naadloze dispatch, op de bestuurder gerichte navigatie en rapportage. Geïntegreerd met honderden externe oplossingen voor dispatching en route-optimalisatie; verzend bestellingen meteen naar het PRO-navigatiesysteem. Chauffeurs kunnen opdrachten moeiteloos accepteren en beginnen te navigeren met live verkeer. Geen fouten meer of tijdverspilling aan de telefoon. Beheer elk voertuig en bestel vanaf elk apparaat.
Wie gebruikt Webfleet?
60.000 klanten vertrouwen op Webfleet om hun voertuigen te beheren, de dispatch van opdrachten te stroomlijnen, de efficiëntie van de chauffeur onderweg te verhogen en de responstijden van de service en de klanttevredenheid te verbeteren.
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Reviews over Webfleet
Webfleet biedt ons een stabiel en duidelijk overzicht!
Opmerkingen: Ondertussen toch 10 jaar gebruiker en recentelijk ook de tracking voor Assest aangekocht en hiervan heel tevreden.
Webfleet biedt zowel ingebouwde als draagbare toestellen aan om de voertuigen opdrachten te geven en te volgen. Recentelijk ook de mogelijkheid om via een app te werken op een mobiel toestel. Opdrachten en antwoorden werken in 2 richtingen - zowel van bureau naar chauffeur en vice-versa. Aangezien we dit dan nog geintegreerds hebben in het TMS systeem werkt dit quasi automatisch.
Ik zie geen grote nadelen. Er zijn soms dingen die je denkt dat beter zouden kunnen maar dat is minimaal.
Webfleet voor iedereen
Opmerkingen: Geweldige tool voor planners om realtime te zien waar iedereen zich bevindt
in een oogopslag zien waar iedereen zich bevindt
Soms een storing. deze wordt wel vaak van tevoren aangegeven.
gebruiks vriendelijk en eenvoudig in gebruik
Opmerkingen: prima ondersteuning en weinig problemen
Goede ondersteuning , zit veel standaard in en eenvoudig in het gebruik
Niet van toepassing en als er iets is word het snel en goed opgelost
Opmerkingen: I have used it for almost 9 years and find it very user friendly.
I like it's ease of use, and the ability to use it on my phone.
Can't really aim any criticism at it. Never had to do the the more complexed side.
A must have for everyone.
Opmerkingen: Loved it ever since we bought the first three units. Each new vehicle to the fleet is automatically fitted with a tracker unit.
Handy to know where the vehicles are, should a client need to know how far away they are. Before we had a tracker fitted, our machines, trailer and vehicle were all stolen - never recovered. If the Tracker had been fitted, I would be 7 machines richer!
Certainly suits my needs perfectly. I cannot fault them for anything.
Awful company, poor software, ZERO customer service
Opmerkingen: Awful service. Once they have confused you into signing a contract (so many pages by the way, but no contracts for any other Telematics services...hmmm). They also COLD CALL. Its not the 80s guys. Cold callers are what puts fear into many people at home, the elderly, the vulnerable and its a practice that should be condemned to the history books.
Nothing. There are much simpler and cheaper solutions out there from Plant-I and TruTrak. Do not waste your time.
There are much simpler and cheaper solutions out there from Plant-I and TruTrak. Do not waste your time. I had been cold called by this company as we have a fleet of hire vehicles. I believed I was signing up for two devices for two years but apparently they signed me up for four which was never discussed in our phone calls. We have other telematics providers who during COVID happily offered us a pause in service as we had no work for months, many of our fellow hire companies in London went out of business. Plant-I gave us 4-5 months pause in payments but still kept the tracking live! They then reduced their costs from £8 to £4 per month per unit. TomTom Webfleet best price they could do was £11 per unit...for FOUR YEARS, its laughable. All other services have an app, TomTom do not...it costs extra. You literally could not make it up!
Very recommended
- User friendly tools - High quality software - Many features - High quality customer service and technical support
We had some issues with previous generation devices (not in use any more)
Must have this
Checking the current location of the vehicle
Unable to share vehicle location, sometimes the client requires it and I don't have that option.
Fleet management
very useful in keeping us updated with our fleet
There is nothing i dislike about webfleet and would 100% recommend it to any company
BE CAREFUL they are cheaters
Opmerkingen: The agent tell me that i need to sign the preorder contract to get the full presentation, and didn't send me the conditions, only description of devises and the order form. After we saw the presentation we think few days and decided that we don't need it, but they told us that we had already singed the normal contract, they just add to my order form conditions (without my sign) and somehow it transformed judicially into full signed contract. The company has very sly contract! if you sign it at the same moment you will be their slave! AT LEAST 3 YEARS. You can not cancel it even if you decide that you don´t need them the next day! You can not reduce the amount of trackers even if you don't have any cars anymore or don't use any trackers! The devises always miss connections with the GPS, so they always are useless at this time. During 2.5 years at least 7 devises was broken not because of someones fault and you need to wait them to be changed and pay for this time. They don show if someone will disconnect as was promised, only after someone reconnect it. and most interesting thing is that if your devise will broke in 2 years the won't change it because they have "WARRANTY" and doesn't meter that they are Rented and doesn't matter that exactly this devise have already changed and has less then 6 month! The most Awful company i have met in the Europe!
The only good thing is a lightness of use
Everything: the quality, support. and it is useless, because anyone can take out their tracker and you won't know about it till someone reconnect it
Fantastic product BUJT with really pathetic support lacking knowledge about its own product
Overall the product does exactly what it says it does - track your vehicles. In addition to that it is one of the few products that based on tracking of over 20,000 km when I look at the Tom Tom software odometer reading of any of my vehicles it is usually 50 km or less than the actual reading of the vehicle. If you know anything about GPS software packages that's impressive and it also means that the inbuilt service reminders of any type can also be trusted without question. Powerful stuff.
Tom Tom would have to have one of the most rediculously poor support systems of any company that I have ever been involved with. In fact worse than an Australian Telco and thats saying something. Not only are they slow in their responses often taking several days, but they are often wrong too. Sadly bad enough to bring their overall rating down to below average.
Back Up Does Not Exist Do Not Waste Your Time
Good system when it works, but when it goes wrong, you have to pay to fix TomTomTelematics devices that are rented from them?
No back up. if anything goes wrong you are on your own, I have only had a problem with 1 unit out of 4 so far, 2 people at TomTom customer support said we have to pay to fix the issue although we rent the units? Don't think so!! Have just cancelled the 4 units, not clever Tom Tom!!!
It is a good software
Tomtom WEBFLEET provides all required features which is impressive and can be trusted without questions.
It is too complicated and not easy to setup. The Graphic User Interface can be improved more friendly.
Semplicità, Funzionalità...e produttività aumentata !! Ottima Scelta
Opmerkingen: Ritengo che, nella mia azienda, ha portato innovazione e modernità nella pianificazione giornaliera/settimanale con un notevole aumento della produttività e dell'efficienza di tutti gli utilizzatori, anche solo per chi visualizza.
La semplicità nell'utilizzo quotidiano nella pianificazione e gestione degli ordini che ha completamente rivoluzionato il modo di lavorare nella mia azienda, fornendo a tutti gli strumenti giusti (anche in visualizzazione) del plan giornaliero.
Non esiste qualcosa che non mi è piaciuto in particolare, ma credo che si possa sviluppare meglio e più approfonditamente alcuni aspetti della pianificazione, magari creando qualche automazione (invio del link per seguire la spedizione ove codificata un email e/o un numero di telefono).
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
Prodotto affidabile e ben strutturato che offre varie possibilità di aiuto nella nostra gestione operativa.
Aggiungo che Voi come la maggior parte dei fornitori di queste tecnologie lavorate sul tempo reale e sul passato...a noi farebbe la differenza lavorare sul futuro in virtù di dove saranno i veicoli
Ultimamente l'aggiunta del report CO2 mi è molto piaciuta
Il lento aggiornamento delle mappe...google se avesse i divieti dei mezzi pesanti sarebbe tanto più avanti
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
Am Tiefpunkt angekommen- es kann nur besser werden
Opmerkingen: Zu Beginn der Einführung war alles super. Da gab es einen [sensibler Inhalt ausgeblendet] der immer ansprechbar war und geholfen hat. Mit [sensibler Inhalt ausgeblendet] verschlechterte sich der Support auf Note 3. Aktuell bei der Note 5 - 6. Seit beginn des Projektes wurden die Einbauten über Ford (nach EW durch WebFleet) vorgenommen. Jetzt wollte man es ohne ersichtlichen Grund ändern und einen Externen Dienstleister einsetzen. Die Wünsche des Kunden und die Gewährleistung bei Neufahrzeuge haben keine Rolle für die Beteiligten bei WebFleet gespielt. Der Einbau wurde um Wochen verzögert und statt dessen immer wieder neue Termine vereinbart.
Das System als solches ist nicht schlecht, wenn denn alles funktioniert.
Aktuell melden bestimmte neue Fahrzeuge nicht aller Ereignisse und das seit Monaten. Zum Beispiel AdBlue wird oft nicht angezeigt. Der Support ist aktuell nicht gegeben. Es fühlt sich keiner richtig zuständig.
Webfleet Kundenbetreuung nicht gegeben
Opmerkingen: Die Erfahrung die ich gemacht habe würde ich keinem weiterempfehlen.
Die Dame die mir alles Verkauft hat war immer sehr Nett.
Die Preise sind teuer für OBD Varianten. Die OBD Varianten sind nicht gut uns nicht präzise. Die Kundenbetreuung ist schlecht ich erhalte immer noch Rechnungen obwohl der Vertrag per Februar gekündigt worden ist.
Opmerkingen: das hat schon mal besser geklappt! Ich weiß nicht wie oft wir noch schreiben sollen bis der Einbau klappt?
die Geräte funktionieren einwandfrei!! Wir verwenden Sie in unserem gesamten Fuhrpark
der Service, wir warten bereits den 3. Monat auf einen Einbautermin in unserem Fahrzeug. Die Miete für das Gerät läuft bereits.
Webfleet im Alltag
Opmerkingen: Gesamteindruck ist positiv und eine echte Erleichterung in der Disposition im Alltag .
- Standortgenauigkeit - Lenk und Ruhezeitzeiten (Tachomanager Plus) - Reports
die Hardware , teileweise anfällig , auch der Wechsel der Geräte ist teilweise suboptimal
evaluation ortec
Opmerkingen: Sur les années écoulées pas de grief majeurs si ce n'est la cohabitation de solutions 2G qui allaient devenir obsolètes sans véritable valeur ajoutée du revendeur piur proposer des upgrades
La facturation visible sur l'application est un plus avec les focntions d'administration
pas d'inconvénients majeurs à déplorer.
unbedingt zu empfehlen
Opmerkingen: Der Gesamteindruck ist das man sich mit dem System befassen muss, dann passt das ganze Produkt.
das ganze Konzept. Die eigentliche Arbeit mit WebFleet
Das es auch zwischendurch Aussetzer hat.
L’essayer c’est l’adopter
On utilise webfleet pour savoir où sont nos véhicules et permet de placer le véhicule au plus proche d’une intervention
Sert aussi pour savoir les temps de trajet
WEBFLEET permet de suivre sa flotte en temps réel
Problème de connexion qui ne peut être résolu que par le sav
Perfekte Verfolgung :)
Opmerkingen: Super Software, Hardware manchmal zu teuer
Mobile Verfügbarkeit, gute Daten aufbereitung
Der Tachomanager hat viel potential, müsste moderner werden wie die webfleet. Automatische übersendung von berichten bei verstössen usw.
Wenn mann überzeugt ist!
Opmerkingen: Wenn einem ein Produkt hilft und Spaß macht.
Dir Performance und das sehr häufig an mehr gedacht wird als man braucht. Somut entstehen neue Horzonte.
Das Webfleet keine Führerscheinprüfung anbietet, ist ein riesen Minuspunkt. Hat uns schon mal dazu bewogen, Webfleet den Rücken zu kehren. Die monatlichen Kosten sind relativ hoch.
Bon produite mais nouveau tarif trop élevé
Opmerkingen: Bonne produit mais le tarif qui est prévu en 2024 devient trop élevé, dommage
Facile d'utilisation, clair et précis dans la traçabilité des des camions.
Parfois il y a des décalages entre la bonne position du camion et la position sur Webfleet.