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Digital WarRoom
Wat is Digital WarRoom?
Digital WarRoom biedt verschillende doe-het-zelf oplossingen voor eDiscovery met bijbehorende training. DWR Pro Software is een desktopoplossing die alle benodigde tools biedt voor een onverslaanbare prijs van $ 1795/jaar. Deze software biedt ook gehoste oplossingen in een beveiligde cloudomgeving voor slechts $ 10/GB/maand met de optie om omlaag te schalen naar $ 1/GB/maand. Verwerk, controleer en produceer documenten met behulp van zoeken op trefwoord, filteropties, klikken met de rechtermuisknop en markeren, privilegelogboek, redacties, OCR en nog veel meer.
Wie gebruikt Digital WarRoom?
Digital WarRoom is een echt schaalbaar platform voor eDiscovery dat voor een redelijke prijs wordt aangeboden. Dankzij deze voordelen kan deze software iedereen ondersteunen, van individuele gebruikers tot grote bedrijven die TB's aan gegevens hosten.
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Digital WarRoom
Reviews over Digital WarRoom
Great product, I would highly recommend for the cost!
Opmerkingen: We have been using the software for over five years. It's been a great experience. Digital WarRoom support staff and developers have always been very helpful and eager and very responsive to assist with any of our firm's needs.
Digital WarRoom is very inexpensive compared to other products we have looked at and is just as robost as most others. We are able to utilize this software from the beginning review process of data on to the production phase with ease. The software allows output with proper load files and able to export in multiple image formats as single page tiff, multi page tiff or multi page pdfs without issue.
RDP connection to access the software throws some users off but has not been an issue overall and allows for a more secure connection.
Best e-discovery platform ever used
Opmerkingen: DWR is the best e-discovery platform I have ever used (compared to extensive experience with Summation iBlaze, Summation Pro, and average experience with Relativity, and limited experience with Concordance). I have the ability to easily load, review, and search multiple large document collections, and run multiple document productions of any size with limited or no technical issues. In the instances where I am unable to troubleshoot an issue myself, DWR's support time is extremely responsive and has the knowledge base to resolve my issues quickly.
Digital WarRoom's platform is similar to Office and other apps as far as optics - ribbons, common keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C for copy, Ctrl-A for select all, etc.) making it easy to use/learn. The binder system makes it easy to save search results in an intuitive manner that is easy to explain and document for other reviewers. It is easy to create large document productions. DWR's customer/technical support is by far the best I have ever dealt with - period - for ANY software/hardware company in over 35 years of my work experience.
I am sure there are some minor things that could be improved but everything I discovered to date has been dealt with in updates/newer versions.
Newer version is not as reliable
Opmerkingen: Overall, customer support is the best quality of DWR.
Previous versions were easier to use with fewer issues.
The newer version of the software is not as reliable.
Opmerkingen: Great team!
Very easy set-up for new users; easy to understand invoices. Great team on help desk.
Interface is still cluttered, esp. for new users. Would like to see the filtering and advanced filtering combined in one screen. Production workflow also confusing for new users, would like to see more of step-by-step icons for the process. Review v. Production distinction hard to explain to new users, would suggest renaming Production to indicate that means a production out of DWR; pdf-only productions from opposing counsel don't show up on the Production side & that's confusing. Would like the ability to populate Bates number columns for other sides' productions.
Excellent price performance with responsive service
We can make disclosure deadlines and review opposing party documents quickly and effeciently. Simple invoices that are easy for our clients to understand. Easy to use. The subscription saves us time and money.
No real cons from our perspective. Does not have all the features of Relativity but has all the features that we need at a MUCH lower price. Dual athentication and security control a bit over the top when logging in.
Why I love Digital WarRoom
Opmerkingen: We are more knowledgeable about the entire ediscovery process, partly because we had to learn it to run the software. DWR's staff are extremely knowledgeable, experienced, and willing to share information, so we learned from them. They assist our users quickly and resolve issues. I am more confident as a litigation support user. Our Digital WarRoom costs are low, so our clients like that they are not charged for storage, only for tech support. Overall, I love Digital WarRoom. That is my honest opinion.
Flexibility. I like Digital WarRoom's ease of use and flexibility. We can import PSTs, loose documents, and Concordance-style productions ourselves without waiting for a vendor to do it. DWR allows us to cull based on date range, file type, and keyword searches, and export reports that show the results. We can use these reports to negotiate search terms and date ranges. It is easy to create custom marks and issues for tagging. We run searches ourselves, and we can export reports and documents. We can produce Bates-numbered PDFs and also Concordance-style TIFFs with load files and metadata. The whole gamut.
There is a learning curve. With DWR we are doing what our ediscovery vendors were doing: checking our searches, making sure we are not producing privileged or duplicates of privileged documents, etc. DWR has built-in searches and checks; we just have to use them regularly and not wait until production time. Wish list: We would like multiple layouts for first pass, final pass, dep prep, and user-customized layouts. I wish we could produce searchable PDFs. Currently, we export the PDFs to our computers and use Acrobat to create searchable PDFs.
In House Counsel - perfect fit for our operations
Opmerkingen: very positive / excellent.
Relativity was overkill for our needs. Hosted Relativity had way too slow of a document to document review speed. Bringing Relativity behind our firewalls was overkill and too expensive up front as well as to maintain. Digital WarRoom is the perfect fit for our operations as they stand now. The customer service is unparralled. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to get this kind of consultative expertise from vendors without getting charged an arm and a leg. The RDP connection to a remote server works much better for us than browser based review tools, or the maintenance involved in review platforms that get installed behind your own firewall. Overall, a very positive experience.
If LFN (Long file names / paths) exceed 256, there are some problems massaging these long pathways into processing console that only a Nuix type setup can resolve. There's a few other features that leave room for improvement or something to be desired, but overall, the product and level of service is excellent, particularly in light of the price tag.
DWR Pro: Excellent, Affordable e-Discovery Software
Opmerkingen: DWR Pro is shockingly affordable for the capability it offers, especially when compared to the often-inferior competition. DWR personnel are also very responsive to any technical issues we have had as heavy users of their software. DWR has even worked with us on several occasions to incorporate features we needed in DWR Pro software updates, and offered licensing arrangements that met our small business needs. We couldn't be happier with the company or their software.
I have been using DWR Pro since 2012. DWR Pro is either better than or on par with the most expensive e-discovery software you can find. My small firm handles document-intensive, complex civil litigation. DWR Pro meets all of our needs, and manages databases exceeding 1,000,000 documents with alacrity. DWR Pro puts high end e-discovery software within our reach, allowing us to effectively match the resources of the biggest defense firms. DWR Pro is great, and worth every penny.
DWR Pro could offer better de-duplication and email thread aggregation options for adverse productions. We spend a lot of time reviewing multiple iterations of the same document, especially when adverse parties don't properly structure their document productions. DWR Pro also needs a better OCR engine, but I understand that the newer version 9.1 addresses this. We have had other minor technical issues with our DWR Pro databases, but DWR support hops to it every time and helps us right away. No software is perfect, and at least DWR will work quickly to address any issues we have. It would also be nice to see some Technology Assisted Review options in DWR Pro to help us cut the chaff from giant adverse productions, even for an additional charge. Perhaps DWR Private Cloud is a good alternative for TAR.
Excellent product, highly recommend
Opmerkingen: I own a small firm and I used DWR for a complicated business dispute against a difficult adversary with significant resources. In spite of this imbalance, my small firm was able to keep pace every step of the way. Most importantly, the DWR team was incredibly responsive and supported my firm when we needed it. I can wholeheartedly recommend this product to other small (and large) firms!
The features were great - especially for the price. Customer support was excellent.
I have no major complaints! We were very happy with the software!
Powerful platform backed by good people
Digital WarRoom provides a robust and secure platform for document review and production. Moreover, the folks running the company have been incredibly supportive of our legal non-profit, and have provided excellent customer service and support.
There is somewhat of a learning curve to the use of the platform, but it is certainly manageable.
Intuitive Functionality and Excellent Customer Service
It is a very intuitive program. DWR replicate features of computer software programs that are very common and thus, provides a natural use. The program also does many of the obvious features (that other programs lack) and it does them automatically, without having to go through the process of selecting countless boxes.
There is not an option to print in bulk.
Great Platform
Opmerkingen: Very good, the tech support is helpful, even on nights/weekends
After reviewing several data sharing utilities we chose Digital War Room. It's very simple to use and intuitive.
There are some functions that aren't as intuitive as i'd like.
We replaced three different platforms with Digital WarRoom Private Coud
Opmerkingen: We first brought DWR in house to replace 3 different systems for processing, ECA and document review. Once we realized we could add outside counsel easily to hosted solution we where able to replace most our relativity hosting bills as well. Pros: our users find it as easy to use as outlook. Supper cheap to add more storage ~$0.50/gig/month. Cons: there is no good way to add /manage transcripts
Reactie Digital WarRoom
9 jaar geleden
Thanks Steven for the great review! We are adding additional case management functionality including transcript management. We will reachout to you soon on its availability. -You DWR team