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Wat is indyRIOT?
Het ultieme sociale platform voor jou om de betrokkenheid van je publiek te verhogen en ermee in contact te komen, terwijl je de controle over je gegevens behoudt.
Door een ecosysteem te bouwen op een indyRIOT-oplossing kun je op een betere manier veilige en zinvolle interacties hebben met de leden van je gemeenschap. Leden kunnen toegang krijgen tot meer informatie, leren, meer mogelijkheden krijgen, veranderen, en vooral - ze kunnen met elkaar in contact komen en met elkaar communiceren. Creëer samen met je leden het universum dat je altijd al wilde.
Wie gebruikt indyRIOT?
Het platform ondersteunt een aantal klanten binnen deze markten: professionele netwerken, universiteiten, alumninetwerken, toerisme, vakbonden, organisatoren van evenementen, ruimtes voor coworking, incubators, sportteams en gaming.
Twijfels over indyRIOT?
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Reviews over indyRIOT
Eerder overwogen alternatieven:
On a riot
Opmerkingen: We now have a community where we can present our company, manage ambassador programs and publish news and insight.
They have a hungry and competent team to make an impact in the community and access and identity field.
it is important to find ways to grow our community.
Awesome community platform! 🤩
Opmerkingen: It’s just one way to put it: I highly recommend the solution and the team!
I really love the indyRIOT team! They are so helpful, collaborative, competent and easy to get in touch with.
I can’t think of anything! It’s very easy to use.
Community Creation
Opmerkingen: The overall experience is good. From my point of view, they are capable and work hard to live up to the needs of our community. So far they have kept on developing and iterating on features and designs.
The building of the platform itself was really nice. We had bi-weekly meetings up until launch including extra meetings on the week of the launch. We got on with indyRIOT early on so our input was part of the general building of their platform as well but we got our requirements met. So I would say what I liked the most was the follow-up and support during the building and establishment and building of our needs.
After the launch, we switched over to monthly and it felt like the development of our platform slowed down. However, we tried the monthly meetings and communicated that I felt we needed more meetings so we have set up a bi-weekly plan until we are comfortable with less frequent meetings.